Chapter 892: Regent, puppet emperor (52)

Chapter 892 Regent, Puppet Emperor (52)

Wei Rou cursed for a while again.

Never mind.

Liufeng always ignored her.

At the end, Xu was annoyed by her tossing.

He threw Wei Rou directly beside Wei Ran.

He frowned, he had never seen a woman who talked so much.

Wei Rou was caught off guard and was thrown to the ground with a confused look on her face.

When she realized that she had been thrown out, she was not well, and no one dared to treat her like this.

"If I walk out of the Heavenly Prison in the future, you will be the first person to kill!" She stared at Liu Feng resentfully, wishing to kill him immediately.

He fell so badly for her.

I don’t know how to pity fragrance and jade at all.

casually threw her to the ground...

Liu Feng snorted, and pointedly pointed at Wei Ran next to her in a funny way, "The third princess should have a good chat with the fourth princess, after all, the sisters are deeply in love, I believe you must have a lot to talk about.

As for what you said, come out and kill me? Then you have to come out alive to have this chance! "

Abandoning these words, he ordered the lock of the cell door to be re-locked, and then turned to leave.

He has done everything according to Liu Ying's wishes.

Next, just wait and watch the play.

Wei Rou did not notice that the person in the cell with her was Wei Ran.

As soon as she raised her head, she saw Wei Ran who was staring at her gloomily. That face was obviously very familiar, but at this moment it seemed particularly terrifying.

She didn't know why she was locked up with Wei Ran.

But almost instinctively, he took a few steps back.

"Fourth sister? Long time no see, how are you?" She asked with concern.

Wei Ran stared at her with a half-smile but not a smile, "What does Sister Sanhuang think I should do? Or, can't Sister Sanhuang see that I'm a prisoner now?"

Wei Rou, "..." I always feel that something is not right.

Weiran should not be what it is now.

"What's the matter with you, fourth sister?" She asked weakly, a little fear in her eyes.

Wei Ran sneered, "I'm fine, but why didn't Sister Sanhuang look back at the other side? Maybe, there will be surprises."

The sarcasm in her eyes was undisguised.

Wei Rou was stunned, and hugged herself in fear.

Then, he slowly turned his head to look at the opposite side.

Seeing this, Wei Rou burst into tears.

"Ashmu! Why are you here? Ayumi, think of a way to get me out!"

These days, without Aenmu by her side, she really doesn't do anything well.

After    left Cenmu, she realized that there are many things that Cenmu can easily solve, but it takes a lot of time for her, even if it takes time to solve it.

Gradually, she also realized the importance of Ashiki to her.

Unfortunately, before she could figure out how to get Aenmu back, she was caught by the regent's people and sent to this day prison.

Ashmu shook his head and smiled wryly.

If he had a way, he wouldn't let himself stay in this prison for so long.

If he could escape, he would have run to find her long ago.

However, in order to stabilize Wei Rou's emotions, he said warmly.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way."

The tone is gentle and outrageous.

Wei Ran, who was beside her, couldn't help the two people's loveliness. She had a cold face and slapped Wei Rou on the spot.

"At a time like this, can the two of you still be in love? Can you pay attention, there are other people beside you!"

Wei Rou quickly explained, "Fourth sister, it's not what you think..."

Wei Ran raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Are you not together? Are you not related in any way?

My good sister, you made up your mind from the very beginning that you want to trick me, you are really amazing! "

(end of this chapter)