Chapter 907: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (5)

Chapter 907 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (5)

Wei You struggled hard.

Never mind.

Cha Cha was always clasping her wrist, Wei You struggled for a while, but did not struggle away, but made herself even more embarrassed.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Chacha angrily.

Suddenly, her eyes flashed, and she opened her mouth to bite Chacha's hand.

Cha Cha squinted his eyes, quickly let go, and took a few steps back.

Wei You just used a lot of strength, but he didn't seem to expect the tea party to suddenly let go.

She couldn't hold back in time.

In addition, she wanted to bite Chacha and stretched her head forward, so with another thud, Wei You kowtowed to Chacha.

Chacha, "..." Wei You is so polite.

She said solemnly, "Even if you kowtow and beg for mercy, I will not let you go."

Wei You was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Not waiting for Wei You to react, Cha Cha quickly pulled the diamond bracelet in Wei You's hand into his hand, his movements were rough and not gentle.

Wei You's wrist was sore, not only that, but now, her whole body is in pain.

She gritted her teeth and her eyes were red.

Looking at his stolen bracelet, and at his empty wrist, Wei You suddenly stood up and rushed towards Cha Cha, not knowing where the strength came from.

"Return the bracelet to me!" Since she wore that bracelet, I don't know how many girls are jealous and envious.

That sense of superiority arises spontaneously.

Especially listening to her classmates compliment her every day, she can almost be happy.

Now, Wei You is very angry when the bracelet is taken away.

Cha Cha indifferently glanced at Wei You's fangs and claws, and then looked at the bracelet in his hand.

"This bracelet, if I remember correctly, has been locked in my cabinet. When did it become your bracelet?"

Wei Youteng turned pale.

She opened her mouth, but made no sound.

Yes, she took this bracelet from Wei Cha's room.


To be precise.

It was the day Wei Cheng announced that she was the second miss of the Wei family in front of everyone. She took it from Wei Cha's room, because the time to recognize relatives was in a hurry, and it was too late to find suitable jewelry.

Wei Cheng took her into Wei Cha's room.

She also knew that day that Wei Cha actually has so many jewelry!

According to Wei Cheng, the safe was also jewelry, but unfortunately it couldn't be opened, so I found a few random pieces from Wei Cha's cabinet.

And this bracelet is what she liked at first sight.

The diamonds are big, beautiful and sparkling.

Wei Cheng saw that she had been looking at the bracelet and knew that she liked it, so he decided to give it to her at that time.

"The bracelet was given to me by my father, so it's mine!" She squinted, feeling a little more confident at the moment. Now in the Wei family, she is the favored one.

What is Wei Cha?

Everything about Wei Cha, including the Wei family, will be hers in the future!

Cha Cha blinked and looked at Wei You speechlessly.

"You are mistaken, the bracelet is mine, not Wei Cheng's, so he is not qualified to give my things to a piece of garbage."

Having said that, she took out the receipt that she had just prepared in the room from her pocket.

The slender and tender fingers held the invoice and shook it reluctantly in Wei You, "Did you see it? I bought the thing, what kind of thing is Wei Cheng?"

Wei You stood there, staring at Cha Cha in disbelief for a while.

Is   Wei Cha crazy?

actually calling his father's name?

"You, how dare you scold your father? You are too much. I will call him now and ask him to come back and teach you a lesson!"

Wei You turned his head and was about to make a call.

After walking, my body was affected, my knees shivered with pain, and tears came out in an instant.

"Wei Cha, I have to tell my father, you bullied me!"

(end of this chapter)