Chapter 908: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (6)

Chapter 908 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (6)

Cha Cha was stunned for a few seconds, a little unbelievable.

"How old are you? Why are you still like a child and like to complain?"

Wei You, " beat me, why can't I sue?"

She was bullied so badly, and she was not stupid.

This kind of thing can accelerate the deterioration of the relationship between Wei Cheng and Wei Cha.

Besides, it was Wei Cha who beat her first.

Of course she made a serious complaint.

Chacha nodded knowingly.

is also oh.

She hit Wei You, so Wei You wants to sue.

Since Wei You is going to sue, she should help Wei You.


Before Wei You could react, she was pulled over with great force, her eyes were darkened, she was beaten again, and this time, Cha Cha attacked very hard.

After beating Wei You, I vaguely heard footsteps.

She grabbed her clothes and stuffed it into Wei You's mouth, and dragged Wei You upstairs neatly.

Chacha stood on the stairs and glanced at it, probably because the servant heard the sound and came to take a look.

Tsk, at this time, I have to sigh that the sound insulation effect of the Wei family is awesome!

She turned her head and dragged Wei You, who was beaten, who dared not speak, to the attic, and then kicked the person inside.

Well, the original owner was imprisoned here for three whole days, miserable.

"Don't you want to sue? When Wei Cheng comes back, you can tell him that I not only beat you, but also locked you here. When he sees you like this, he must be very distressed, so don't thank me. ."

Alas, accidentally, she became a good person again, obviously she is not a good person.

But always develop on the road of good people.

She was so tough.

Wei You's pupils dilated, and his eyes were full of terror.

She never thought that the person in front of her could do such a thing.

Is it because Wei Cha was imprisoned here for a few days and was stimulated? So your temperament has changed?

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Wei You for a while, always feeling that Wei You's appearance was not particularly miserable.

She pondered for a while and found a twine.

Wei You's body trembled uncontrollably, "..." What do you want to do?


Unfortunately, his mouth was blocked and he couldn't say a word, he could only hum.

Although her hands were not tied at the moment, under the threat of Chacha, she did not dare to pull the clothes out of her mouth, and could only shrink back weakly.

Cha Cha is holding the rope, his eyes are full of smiles.

"Be good, don't be afraid! Let me tie it up, it will look even worse!"

The little girl said something that made Wei You tremble with an innocent face.

Who wants to look worse?

She is obviously very miserable now.

Wei You's tears fell with a snap, just like a bead with a broken thread, it kept falling.

Cha Cha frowned, very displeased.

She hates tears the most.

At this moment, Cha Cha's patience was also a little less, and he walked over directly, tying Wei You up in a very ungentle way.

After    tied up, she glanced at Wei You, who was shrunk into a ball, and walked out of the attic in a good mood.

Locked the attic by the way.

Well, she is really thinking about Wei You more and more.

The door is locked, and Wei You can't get out.

As far as Wei You's fighting power is concerned, it is still unknown whether the rope can be untied.

Besides, very few people come to the attic.

Well, I don't know if someone will find Wei You after three days.

It should be possible, right?

She tilted her head and thought for a few seconds.

and leave.

took a few steps and suddenly stopped.

seems to have forgotten one thing.

The corners of her lips were slightly hooked, and she smiled very maliciously.

at the same time.

Wei You was crying and struggling, her face was covered with tears, her hair was sticking to her face in a mess, she was very embarrassed.

(end of this chapter)