Chapter 914: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (12)

Chapter 914 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (12)

the next day.

It was not yet dawn, and Li Ye had not woken up from his sleep, and his body suddenly felt cold.

Even the whole body was covered with chills, and he woke up suddenly.

Then he met Gu Changting's calm eyes.

His dark ink eyes stared straight at him.

Li Ye shuddered subconsciously, and silently put the quilt that Gu Changting had lifted back over his body.

Next second.

's slender fingers stretched over and directly lifted the quilt.

Li Ye rubbed his eyes and looked confused.

is full of puzzled questions, "What are you doing?"

Gu Changting said coldly, "You go."

Li Ye, "???"

He was in a state of confusion.

I didn't expect to hear such exciting news before I woke up.

Li Ye looked at Gu Changting's expression, it didn't seem like he was joking, and he couldn't help but be more and more astonished.

"Did something happen?" he asked.

Gu Changting didn't plan to say anything to him, and repeated, "You go."

Li Ye, "..."

He squinted and took a closer look, only to realize that Gu Changting seemed to have deliberately dressed up today.

But this kind of cognition is obviously unlikely.

Gu Changting, who is a 10,000-year-old single dog, who will he dress up for?


Li Ye thought of the candy Gu Changting held in his hand last night.


"Gu Changting, did you hook up with the little girl?" Otherwise, why is it sugar and driving him away?

And it’s still not dawn yet!

He could sleep again.

Before Li Ye could continue to speak, Gu Changting reached out and grabbed Li Ye's collar and threw the person out.

Li Ye, who was thrown out the door, was stunned for a while before realizing what happened to him.

He stood up in a daze, raised his hand and banged on the door.

"Gu Changting, come out! You inhuman thing, open the door for me!"

After half a minute.

Gu Changting didn't open the door.

The door opposite    was opened from the inside.

"What are you doing?"

A soft voice came, with a bit of confusion.

Li Ye was stunned for a moment, and when he turned around, he saw the little girl across from him opening the door and looking at him blankly.

The little girl looks sweet and soft, and she is outrageous.

Round eyes, watery, his heart almost melted into a ball when he saw it.

The small face is also pretty, full of collagen.

Li Ye moved his hand hanging on his side, but he restrained him again, um, I wanted to pinch it, it felt...

The small face should feel good when pinched.

However, for such a good girl, if he does anything extra, he might scare her.

Li Ye responded quickly, smiled at the little girl, and then put on a pose that he thought was super handsome.

But I don't know what it looks like in Chacha.

I just feel that the person in front of me has a hole in the brain.

"What are you doing?" she asked again patiently.

Don't ask her why she didn't do anything to him, because she seemed to hear the man calling Gu Changting, and he was wearing slippers on his feet, and it was still before dawn, she guessed that this man should have a good relationship with Gu Changting, and it was even possible He was sleeping here with Gu Changting.

As for why it is here now, I don’t know.

She tilted her head and looked at Li Ye seriously.

Li Ye, "..." Wait, isn't the little girl's reaction not right?

At times like this, shouldn't you be looking at him with glowing eyes?

After all, he is so handsome.

Being kicked out of the apartment, he was naturally embarrassed to say such a thing.

Li Ye changed his words, pretending to be helpless, "I, I'm waiting for the person inside to open the door for me and put me in."

Chacha doesn't gossip about Li Ye's situation.

She asked thoughtfully, "Did you sleep with Gu Changting last night?"

(end of this chapter)