Chapter 915: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (13)

Chapter 915 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (13)

Li Ye was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "Well, do you know him?"

He became serious in an instant.

The thoughts in my mind quickly went round and round.

The opposite side of Gu Changting has been unoccupied. It was about these two days that someone came to check the facilities of the room and clean the room.

At that time, he estimated that someone should live there.

Then there was a little girl living here, and Gu Changting had a small change.

He didn't think it was a coincidence.

So, he also became interested, "Did you see him last night?"

Li Ye's eyes were full of gossip.

Chacha nodded, "Well, I met him in the supermarket, I didn't expect it to be so coincidental, and he is actually a neighbor."

She said and took two steps back, "You come and rest first, it's cold outside."

It's a little cold outside.

This person shivered a few times just now.

And it looks like he's not a bad guy.

is Gu Changting's friend after all.

Li Ye followed into the apartment, but he didn't expect the little girl to be so caring.

is much more considerate than that shameless Gu Changting.

The little girl knew he was cold, and Gu Changting threw him out!


Li Ye sat on the sofa and took a pillow in his arms.

Then he glanced, and accidentally saw the candy paper in the trash can.

Li Ye realized instantly that he had captured an extremely important gossip.

"Gu Changting came back last night. Did you give him the candy in his hand?"


Gu Changting actually accepted the little girl's candy!


However, Gu Changting has not been close to women all these years, and thought he had any thoughts on boys, so he likes this kind of soft girl?

Chacha nodded, then took out a lollipop from his pajama pocket and handed it to Li Ye, "Yeah, can you try it too?"

Li Ye wanted to refuse because he doesn't like sweets very much.

However, he thought about it, reached out to take it, and thanked him.

This candy, he can turn around and talk to Gu Changting!

Li Ye noticed that the little girl was still wearing pajamas, he was stunned for a moment, and said embarrassedly, "Did I disturb you just now? I'm really sorry for disturbing your sleep."


He was not stupid, and he quickly thought that it might be because he slammed on the door too loudly, and then woke the little girl up, and the little girl went out to check the situation.

Thinking of this, Li Ye was even more embarrassed.

However, after thinking about this, I can't blame him.

All because Gu Changting threw him out because he couldn't help but say it!

He didn't even give him shoes, which was too much.

He looked for his mobile phone angrily, and when he took out his pocket, he suddenly realized that the mobile phone was still in Gu Changting's apartment.

Li Ye silently withdrew his hand, his face full of resentment.

Chacha was keenly aware of his mood, his movements were also obvious, and he could almost guess quickly, "Are you trying to make a call?"

Li Ye's eyes lit up and nodded quickly.

"I'll make a call and ask Gu Changting to open the door!"

Cha Cha stood up and quickly returned to the room to get Li Ye's phone.

Well, she can see Gu Changting's cell phone number in the call log.

I am such a genius!

Qiqi, [Yes, yes, the host is super smart! 】

I can get my phone number so soon!


Li Ye called Gu Changting, and as soon as the call was connected, he spoke first, "I'm at your neighbor's house, come and pick me up!"

Since Gu Changting is interested in this little girl, of course he wants to assist.

Gu Changting at the other end was silent for a while, "Well."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Changting stared at the phone number for a few seconds, then saved the phone number and typed three words on the note: cute.

(end of this chapter)