Chapter 916: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (14)

Chapter 916 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (14)

When Chacha took the phone from Li Ye, he also quietly glanced at the call log of the phone.

Then she found out...

This person has saved Gu Changting's cell phone number on her cell phone.

Cha Cha immediately smiled at Li Ye.

Well, he's so smart.

If all the people she meets in the future are like him, she will wake up laughing from her dreams.

Given that someone is really satisfied, Cha Cha's attitude is a bit better than before.

"You can just call me Chacha in the future." She added softly.

Hearing this, Li Ye immediately reported to his family, "Okay, my name is Li Ye, Gu Changting and I grew up together, I know him very well, you can always find him if you have anything in the future... He's still quite... willing to help……"

Although I threw me out of the living room today, it’s one thing that can be pitted.

In case the little girl is really with Gu Changting in the future, then he has done a good deed - helping Gu Changting get off the list!

The two chatted a few more times.

Soon, the doorbell rang.

Cha Cha walked over and opened the door.

Gu Changting saw the little girl in pajamas at a glance, she looked clean and well-behaved, and his watery eyes made his heart melt.

"I'm giving you trouble." He said softly.

as if afraid to scare her.

"No, no." Cha Cha waved his hand.

This is not a trouble, she not only got Gu Changting's mobile phone number, but also met his friends.

Originally, I was wondering when the next time I would see Gu Changting, but now it's better, not only did I see it, but the reason was so open and honest.

She has to thank Li Ye well.

Hearing Gu Changting's voice, Li Ye stumbled and almost fell over.


What is this Gu Changting?

He turned his head in incomparable horror, and across the distance, Gu Changting seemed to be aware of it, just in time to meet Li Ye's prying eyes.

's indifferent gaze made Li Ye tremble with fright.

Could this old fox do something bad again? A panicked one.

Wait, he doesn't seem to have offended Gu Changting.

He also helped Gu Changting to get the little girl's mobile phone number, and let Gu Changting step into the little girl's apartment... He was the best assist, the kind who worked hard without credit!

Gu Changting was too lazy to talk to Li Ye.

Throwing people out, was so lucky, and even entered his little girl's apartment?

He half-squinted his eyes and thought for a moment about how to deal with Li Ye, should he just kill him or not?

This is a problem.

Li Ye only felt a chill all over his body.

subconsciously hugged the pillow in his arms.

Chacha invited Gu Changting into the apartment, and Gu Changting naturally stepped in without hesitation.

When three people sit together on the sofa.

Cha Cha was inexplicably embarrassed.

She was still wearing pajamas, and she hadn't been groomed yet, so she saw Gu Changting like this, and then looked at Gu Changting... It was obvious that she had prepared carefully.

Gu Changting smiled, "In order to thank you for picking up Li Ye, let him invite us to breakfast."

Chacha nodded quickly, "Okay! Then I'll change clothes." She wanted Meimei to appear in front of Gu Changting!

Li Ye, "???"


Wait a minute, did he agree?

Have you asked his opinion?

And why do the two of you look so familiar, you agreed that you just met last night?

How does this look like an old husband and wife?

Li Ye had countless questions in his heart that he wanted to ask, but unfortunately, before he could say it, Gu Changting had already spoken.

"Didn't you rest? Go back to sleep."

Gu Changting said shameless words in a serious manner, leaving Li Ye speechless in shock.

(end of this chapter)