Chapter 972: National teacher, let me assassinate (3)

Chapter 972 National teacher, let me assassinate (3)

Cha Cha followed the original owner's memory all the way to the study.

Wei An and Chu Zhe were waiting for her there.

She glanced.

Chu Zhe Yushu is in the wind, but he has a good pair of skins.

No wonder he fooled the original owner.

Since Chu Zhe and Wei An are both fooling the original owner, don't blame her for being rude.

She wants to see who can fool who!

Cha Cha stood there with a well-behaved face.

Chu Zhe's expression moved slightly. Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the throne, he would really be reluctant to sacrifice her.

looks so beautiful, even if it is only beauty, it can make people very comfortable.

However, he has always been a person who likes to take a long-term view. For the sake of the throne, he must sacrifice when he should sacrifice. Besides, in comparison, he really prefers the gentle and watery Wei Yannong.

Tsk, don't blame him for being cruel.

The blame can only blame Wei An for wanting Wei Yancong to marry him as the queen.

And she, how beautiful is she?

Wei An doesn't like her daughter.

For Wei An's support, he could only give up her.

Wei An sighed, "Daughter, my father is also reluctant to let you take risks, but Xiao Heng, as a national teacher, controls the government and does not even care about the prince, I am afraid that he has long been willing to rebel.

Chacha, as a father, I hope you can take care of the overall situation. For the sake of the future, this time you must go to the Guoshifu to assassinate Xiao Heng! "

Chu Zhe smiled warmly, pretending to be helpless.

"Forget it, let's change this matter to someone else, and I don't want Chacha to take risks..."

Chacha, "..." Oh, the acting is pretty good.

It’s okay, it’s not right, hold on.

She can!

Chacha looked at the two of them in embarrassment.

"It's not that I don't want to, I just think this is too risky, I have a better way!"

Wei An and Chu Zhe were taken aback.

Of course they knew about the risk.

also knew that this would not work.

What they want is just a suitable reason for Chu Zhe and Cha Cha to break the engagement.

But heard her say there is a better way.

Wei An cooperated, "Then you can tell me?"

Chacha, "I thought about it carefully for a while, in the past few years, many people must have assassinated Xiao Heng, and Xiao Heng must have been prepared.

The reason why the father and the prince found me and let me go out was just because of the daughter's face.

In this case, it would be better for my daughter to sneak into the National Teacher's Mansion first, find a way to gain trust, and then pass on information to her father later. This will give me more certainty than direct assassination! "

Chu Zhe frowned, "How to gain trust?" This is the key.

He also thought about placing his people next to Xiao Heng.

But it never worked.

The National Teacher's House does not want outsiders at all.

If she can really gain Xiao Heng's trust, it will be much more important than breaking the engagement with her!

Cha Cha looked at Chu Zhe with confidence.

"This strategy will definitely allow me to enter the National Teacher's Mansion, but... I need the cooperation of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and my father!"

"Does Chacha really have a good plan?" Seeing Chacha's decisive appearance, Wei An couldn't help but ask one more question, is it possible, what good method did this kid really think of?

Cha Cha expressed his thoughts with a mysterious look on his face.

"This trick is called a bitter trick. I accidentally met the national teacher and fell in love with the national teacher at first sight. For this reason, I did not hesitate to break off the marriage with His Royal Highness. My father was angry and drove me out of the prime minister's residence."

"You want to break up with me?"

"You want me to kick you out of the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

Chacha's words shocked Chu Zhe and Wei An.


They looked at the little girl in front of them seriously, but they didn't expect that she would be willing to do this for them?

It is a lie to say that you are not moved.

But's just touching.

in a blink.

We An and Chu Zhe have a measure.

(end of this chapter)