Chapter 973: National teacher, let me assassinate (4)

Chapter 973 National teacher, let me assassinate (4)

Chu Zhe looked at Chacha with heartache.

"Your plan is indeed more comprehensive." First broke off the marriage with him, and then was kicked out of the house by Wei An.

In this case, in Tianyao Kingdom, I am afraid there is no place to stay.

He said, she actually did this for him, this love, he remembered, if in the future, she will really succeed in gaining Xiao Heng's trust and help him succeed in ascending the throne, in the future, he will decide Xu Yifei bit!

"What do you think of your father?" Cha Cha knew that Chu Zhe's mind had been shaken.

After all, after she broke off the engagement, the two were considered to have no engagement, Chu Zhe could still be with Wei Yannong, which did not affect Chu Zhe's original plan.

Wei An nodded with a look of relief, "As expected, my daughter is more far-reaching than I and the prince thought, so let's plan well...

I believe that Xiao Heng will be moved by you in the future, coupled with your beauty, you will get twice the result with half the effort! "

Chacha must stand by the side obediently.

Well, Xiao Heng is moved or not, she doesn't know.

However, she withdrew from Chu Zhe's engagement, which was enough to embarrass Chu Zhe in Tianyao Kingdom!

As for Wei An?

Tsk, do you really think she is rare in the prime minister's residence?

Of course, he was taking advantage of this to clear the relationship.

She doesn't even care about her own daughter's life or death, this kind of scum, she looks polluted the air at a glance!

Hey, isn't it just a fool?

She will too!

Look, didn't this quickly fool Chu Zhe and Wei An?

Qiqi, [The host is mighty! Chacha is the best! 】

Its host will fool people!


Qiqi was extremely excited.

At that time.

Chu Zhe and Wei An have new plans.

The eyes they looked at Chacha gradually became dark and unclear.

However, no matter what they were thinking, there was a premise that she successfully entered the National Teacher's House and gained Xiao Heng's trust.


Two days later.

The daughter of the prime minister, Wei Cha, the eldest lady of the Wei family, withdrew from her engagement with the prince in public.

The crowd was in an uproar.

This is a bit too bold!

That is the prince of the dynasty, and if you marry it, then you will be the prince concubine.

In the future, she will be the queen of Tianyao Kingdom!

This is how much you can't think about it before you run to break off the marriage? Afraid of being crazy?

for a while.

The prince's divorce has become a must-talk in the streets.

The next day.

The prime minister, Wei An, kicked Wei Cha out of the prime minister's mansion because of the divorce.

At the same time, another message came out.

It is said that Miss Wei has been in love with her since she met the national teacher, so she broke off the marriage with the prince and angered Prime Minister Wei.

This news seems to have grown wings and flew all over the Tianyao Kingdom. There are different opinions on this.

The Prime Minister's House.

Wei Yancong dresses up in the mirror.

The beautiful eyebrows are full of smiles.

She didn't expect that her sister was actually a fool?

took the initiative to break off the marriage with the prince, and was kicked out of the house by his father. Such a big thing, just because he wanted to win the trust of the national teacher with a bitter trick, and then help the father and the prince pass on information?

This is the brain caught in the door, right?

Is it stupid to be like this?

She sneered.

Since her good sister is so miserable now, she should reluctantly not start with Chacha!

Wei An and the prince were very nervous.

Now that the hook has been released, I don’t know if Xiao Heng will be hooked.

As for the parties.

Cha Cha is eating delicious food in the inn.

Hey, the inn is really clean.

And she is rich now.

The funds before    can also be exchanged for the common currency of this era, and she is now a properly rich person.

Well, she's already so rich, why is she messing around every day?

Eat, drink, and have fun!

Qiqi, [...Host, do you still remember that you fell in love with the national teacher at first sight, and the love was deeply rooted? 】

Chacha, "Isn't that nonsense?"

(end of this chapter)