Chapter 978: National teacher, let me assassinate (9)

Chapter 978 National teacher, let me assassinate (9)

Cha Cha sighed and said sadly, "As of now, I can't hide it from the national teacher."

"The prince and my sister have been together for a long time, and she is already pregnant with the prince's child.

The prince deliberately plotted against me in order to break up the engagement with me in a fair and honest way, in order to be with my sister. As for my father, he didn't like me at all.

Ever since I was a child, I just regarded me as a shield for my sister.

And I just happened to know their plan and found a way to survive. I say so, is the National Teacher satisfied? "

She was telling the truth.

Xiao Heng hummed and said nothing.

He strode forward, his clothes fluttering.

Cha Cha looked at his figure, tilted his head, standing still and didn't quite understand what he meant.

Um? If you don't say a word, are you satisfied or dissatisfied?

Since she doesn't speak, then she's just... Barely regarded as satisfied!

Immediately, she jumped to keep up with Xiao Heng's pace.

She was by his side from now on.

As for feelings? Cultivate slowly!

The two came to the foot of the mountain.

Lingyun has been waiting for a long time.

When he saw that there was a girl next to the master, his eyebrows twitched, he hurriedly took a few steps forward, and said respectfully, "This subordinate is negligent, and people have disturbed the master."

Xiao Heng said lightly, "It's okay."

was not disturbed.

Lingyun saw that the master did not mean to blame, and he felt relieved, fortunately.

Then, Xiao Heng got on the carriage.

Chacha naturally followed, and he had to follow along.

Ling Yun was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped him.

"This girl, you..."

Cha Cha took the lead and said confidently, "I am your master's person, and I will follow him in the future. If you stop me this time, I will not care about you!"

Lingyun, "???" What a joke.

There has never been any girl beside his master.

How could it be possible to have a girl by your side?

Ling Yun looked suspicious.

Cha Cha pointed at his forehead, "Did you see it? This was bumped by your master, and he felt embarrassed, so he was willing to take me into the National Teacher's Mansion as compensation! If you don't believe me, just ask him!"

Lingyun, "..." He wanted to ask, but he didn't have the guts.

He was silent for a few seconds.

Then I heard the voice of my master, cold and indifferent, "Let her come up."

Ling Yun was startled.

This is incredible too!

Cha Cha smiled at Ling Yun and said obediently, "I will trouble you to take care of it in the future!"

She stepped onto the carriage neatly with her short legs.

Leaving Lingyun alone in the wind.

Master actually shared a carriage with this little girl?

for a long time.

Lingyun drove away in a hurry.

A little panic.

He suspects that the master is evil!

in the carriage.

Chacha smiled and approached Xiao Heng.

She reached out and tugged at the corner of his shirt.

"Master National Teacher? Do you have a girl you like?"

If there is, she will leave immediately, if not, you can proceed to the next step.

Xiao Heng gave her a cool look.

"What do you think?" She was the first person who dared to ask him such a question.

Chacha muttered.

carefully observed Xiao Heng's expression.

"I don't think so."

A person like him is proud to the core.

How can there be someone who likes casually?

Just to be on the safe side, let me ask you a question.

And you can just flirt with him.

Xiao Heng raised his eyebrows to look at her, "The reason."

Chacha blinked, "Just guess, but in the future, there will be someone in the heart of the national teacher."

Xiao Heng, "Huh? Don't you want to say, I will put you at ease?"

Cha Cha, "Wow! We have a heart-to-heart."

Xiao Heng, "...Miss Wei should go to sleep, some things are faster to dream."

chacha, “…”



Xiao Heng: Baby, I was wrong, shall I perform a kneeling snack?

(end of this chapter)