Chapter 979: National teacher, let me assassinate (10)

Chapter 979 National teacher, let me assassinate (10)

Cha Cha snorted.

turned his head and ignored Xiao Heng.

She slowly moved to the corner and distanced herself from Xiao Heng.

I intend to close my eyes and rest for a while.

Anyway, the carriage was very soft and was covered with a thick blanket.

Lingyun, who was driving, had mixed emotions.

Although he didn't want to eavesdrop, those words just now were too exciting.

This was the first time he saw someone talk to his master like this.

If the master really keeps this little girl in the National Teacher's Mansion, it is estimated that the National Teacher's Mansion will have more laughter in the future.

Xiao Heng's thoughtful gaze fell on the little girl who was resting with her eyes closed.

The small face as big as a palm is cute and cute, and the beautiful facial features are combined with a bit of glamour. beauty.

His eyes gradually darkened, and he didn't even notice it.

for a moment.

Xiao Heng felt a fire in his heart inexplicably, he frowned, looked away, and reached out to take out the prepared tea and cakes.

quickly poured himself a cup of tea.

The tea poured into his throat, and Xiao Hengfang felt that the fire was extinguished a little.


A voice sounded in his ear.

"Your pastry looks delicious!"

He raised his eyes.

I saw the little girl staring at his cakes eagerly.

The pastries are exquisite, fragrant, and delicious at first sight.

Chacha boasted again, "Doesn't it taste good?"

Never mind.

Xiao Heng looked at her lightly, but didn't want to say a word.

Chacha hinted twice, but Xiao Heng didn't pick it up, she couldn't help but flatten her mouth in discouragement.

Isn't her expression obvious enough?

she snorted.

looked reluctantly away from the cake.

Well, this pastry is so fragrant that she doesn't even think about anything else.

Chacha, "Is there a lot of cakes like this in the National Teacher's House?" She asked again.

Xiao Heng looked at her and felt inexplicably in a good mood.

He answered, "The National Teacher's House does not have these pastries."

Chacha, "???" The dignified Guo Shifu doesn't even have this cake? It's too useless!

Since the National Teacher's Office does not have it, it means that this cake is very precious!

Then she wants to taste it even more!

"National teacher, I think, I'm by your side and I want to do something for you.

Just like now, although your pastry looks very delicate.

But good things are often poisonous, so now, you should let me try it for you to see if there is any poison! "

Chacha's eyes never left the cakes from beginning to end.

The words fall.

She looked away and looked at Xiao Heng eagerly.

Xiao Heng nodded, "You're right, but..."

Before Xiao Heng could finish speaking, Cha Cha reached out and grabbed a piece of cake and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

was about to be put into his mouth.

Xiao Heng reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"But I have a great life. I have never tried it for so many years, but I have lived well until now.

Miss Wei is so beautiful that it cannot be wasted. "

Chacha, "???"

Then Cha Cha watched helplessly as Xiao Heng grabbed her hand, forcing her to put the cake into his mouth.

Cha Cha stared blankly at his empty fingertips.

Want to hit someone!

Good gas!

If he is not her male protagonist, she promises to kick him to death!

Cha Cha snorted twice, retracted his hand, and made a bitter face.

It's just a piece of cake, I'm not angry! I'm very good!

Xiao Heng lowered his eyes, rubbed his fingertips with an unnatural expression, and the delicate touch seemed to linger in his heart...

(end of this chapter)