Chapter 999: National teacher, let me assassinate (30)

Chapter 999 National teacher, let me assassinate (30)

Three days later.

The emperor decreed to marry the prince and the daughter of Prime Minister Wei Wei Yannong, and Wei Yannong was the crown princess.

The news of    quickly spread throughout the capital.

National Teacher's Office.

Chacha was surprised when he heard the news.

"This prince... is too tolerant? He knew that Wei Yannong was with another man, yet he was willing to marry her as a prince concubine?"

What kind of earth-shattering love is this?

Xiao Heng smiled slightly, with a special meaning.

"Prince should have other plans, don't forget, Li Cong who fell into the water!"

Cha Cha was startled.

quickly reacted.

Li Cong's death, the timing is too clever.

"That is to say, Li Cong's death was designed by the prince." That's right, Li Cong, an ordinary person, was disguised as a slip and fell into the water. For the prince, it couldn't be easier.

Since that is the case.

The prince still wants to marry Wei Yancong?

Are you sick?

Xiao Heng saw the little girl with a wrinkled face, and reminded aloud.

"It's still early, it's just a marriage, not a marriage, is it because I've been eating less recently, so my head is turning slower?"

He raised his eyebrows and asked, obviously in a good mood.

Chacha was a little embarrassed by what he said, and she herself felt that her thoughts were slowing down.

Well, what Xiao Heng said makes sense, she must have been eating less recently, "Lingyun, go to Piaoxiang Pavilion and buy me some cakes to bring back!"

After the words were finished, the little girl waved her hand and gave Ling Yun a silver note.

Lingyun, "..." There are only zero and countless times for running errands.

Once you start errand mode, you can't stop.

Ling Yun sighed silently, and left with the bank note.

Xiao Heng is in a good mood.

He raised his hand and hooked Cha Cha's chin, "Things have already developed to this point, shouldn't you give me something?"

The prince and the prime minister's residence obviously had a deep estrangement.

Wei Yancong is now a fuse, and it may burn at any time.

Chacha blinked obediently.


"Although I don't plan to change your clothes, I can warm your bed for you!" Get up early to dress him? Just kill.

But Chacha got up a few times earlier.

Later, seeing that she was really sleepy, Xiao Heng let her go.

Hearing the word "warm the bed", Xiao Heng paused for a moment, then retracted his hand and didn't look at her again.

A little girl who talks about the word "warm bed" every day, what does it look like?

Xiao Heng snorted calmly and turned to leave.

Cha Cha looked at his back for a while.

Is this to let her warm the bed or not to let her warm the bed?

did not refuse.

Is    the default?

She tilted her head, her face full of daze.



Xiao Heng went back to his room after taking a bath.

Keen to see what's wrong.

He glanced at the soft couch outside. The couch was empty. Usually, at this time, Cha Cha should lie on it with the quilt.

Something flashed in his mind, Jianmei frowned slightly, and Xiao Heng walked in with a complicated mood.

Then he saw himself on the bed, the quilt was bulging into a ball, "..."

Xiao Heng walked over slowly.

The little girl under the quilt heard the sound and lifted the quilt, and when she opened her eyes, she saw an enlarged face.

Xiao Heng had a fire surging in his heart.

"What are you doing?" His tone became a little colder, how come he has no sense of danger at all! Aren't you afraid that he will attack her?

is too high for him, he is not a decent man.

Cha Cha said obediently, "Wait a minute, the bed is not hot yet, I'll keep it warm..."

She miscalculated the time. She thought he would stay for a while before coming over. Unexpectedly, he came in so quickly after taking a bath, and it was not warm yet.

This kind of small problem appeared for the first time, Cha Cha, "..." was in a complicated mood.


Eight more.

Add more~happy holiday~

(end of this chapter)