Chapter 1000: National teacher, let me assassinate (31)

Chapter 1000 National teacher, let me assassinate (31)

Xiao Heng was also in a complicated mood.

He looked at her darkly.

The little girl looked innocent and blank.

The watery eyes were clear and translucent, if not, he would have doubted whether she was deliberately playing tricks on him.

He sighed.

With an indifferent expression, he stretched out his hand and attached the quilt, rolling the person into a ball.

Then he carried the person to the soft couch.

Cha Cha asked softly, "What are you doing?"

Xiao Heng ignored her and swept away the quilt belonging to Chacha on the soft couch.

Cha Cha looked confused, "..." What is this operation?

So, did you like my quilt?

But if you like that quilt, you can just say, I'll give it to you!

Don't roll me into a ball.


How did she climb out?

Cha Cha turned over on the soft couch hard, not knowing how Xiao Heng rolled it, she couldn't get out, but instead the quilt rolled her tighter and tighter.

"Xiao Heng..." She shouted aggrievedly.

No one answered her.

She shouted again, "Xiao Heng!"

Still no answer.

chacha, “…”

At that time.

Xiao Heng held the quilt and restrained his emotions with a dark face.


Her breath was all over the quilt.

And she kept calling him, the emotion became stronger.

for a moment.

Xiao Heng got up and took a deep look at the little **** the soft couch who was struggling with the quilt, how could it make him want to bully her so hard!

Chacha noticed the sight and tilted his head to look at the culprit.

muttered in dissatisfaction, "Hurry up and let me out!"

Xiao Heng, "..." release it?


He turned his head and stepped out of the room, ready to take a cold shower.

Cha Cha looked at the back in disbelief.

"!!!" just left? ? ?

Did you just leave without letting her out?

Too much!

Forget it, I’m so tired.

Cha Cha pouted, tilted her head and found a more comfortable position to sleep.


After Xiao Heng finished taking a cold shower and returned to his room, what he saw was the scene of the little girl sleeping soundly.

He sighed, really big-hearted.

just fell asleep...

He reluctantly helped her tidy up the quilt, moving cautiously.

At the same time, he began to wonder, should he attack directly? Otherwise, after the affair between the prince and the prime minister's mansion is over, marry someone into the house and raise them up.

As for now... raise it first.

Raised Baibai is fat and then eat it in one bite!

Xiao Heng's eyes darkened.

I always feel that the cold shower is not very effective.

He let out a low sigh, turned around and entered the inner room. He can no longer talk about warming the bed casually, or he will be the one who suffers in the end.

The next day.

Chacha opened his eyes.

found that the quilt was no longer wrapped around her.

Hmm... She seems to be getting better and better, and even when she fell asleep, she knew how to fix the rolled up blanket.

As for Xiao Heng...

The mental state is obviously not very good.

Chacha took a look.

I can clearly feel that Xiao Heng is in a bad mood today.

She thought for a moment.

decided not to disturb him.

At times like this, isn't it the one who touches his brow? She is not stupid!

Qiqi, […] You are indeed not stupid, that is, your reaction is slow…

However, Chacha didn't look for Xiao Heng, it didn't mean Xiao Heng didn't look for her, Xiao Heng said in a low voice, "Get ready, today is the Queen's birthday, come with me to the palace."

Chacha, "???" Well, can you refuse?

Xiao Heng's face looks really stinky!

Xiao Heng continued, "Wei Yancong and the prince will also participate. If I guess correctly, the prince will take this opportunity to attack Wei Yannong, won't you go to the theater?"

Cha Cha's eyes suddenly lit up, "Go!"

Watching a play, how can you miss it!


Nine more~

I should be able to make ten updates today, it’s been a long time since there were so many updates!

(end of this chapter)