Chapter 1013: National teacher, let me assassinate (44)

Chapter 1013 National teacher, let me assassinate (44)

In the current situation, the prince will not admit that the child is his at all.

Once admitted, it is equivalent to telling everyone that the crown prince has lost his virtue, and he is with her sister again under the circumstance of having a marriage contract with her... I am afraid it will have a great impact on reputation.

And the prince does not admit it, which means that everyone will think that she gave the prince a green hat.

And the prince may break off the engagement with her for the sake of face.

Then she won't be able to keep her crown princess seat!

Wei Yancong became more and more afraid the more he thought about it.

Seeing that Wei An has been silent for a long time, the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

She raised her hand and pulled Wei An's clothes, "Daddy, what should I do?"

Wei An looked at his daughter's aggrieved appearance and felt very distressed.

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter properly. The Prince sent someone to pass the letter, and he will avoid everyone to come to see us at the Prime Minister's Mansion tonight."

Hearing this, Wei Yancong cried even more sadly, "...Does the prince think I'm shameful?"

"The prince certainly doesn't have that intention. Don't think about it. Even if he really has that intention, he has to endure it! His foundation is unstable, and he needs to rely on your father and me for help!"

Wei An's voice gradually became ruthless.

Wei Yancong nodded reassuringly.

With her father's words, she felt relieved.


Wei Yancong and Wei An waited for the prince at the Prime Minister's Mansion.

As soon as I saw him.

Wei Yan thickly burst into tears.

"Brother Prince!"

The prince comforted her with a heavy face.

Without waiting for Wei An to speak, he said.

"The smoke is thick, this time, we have all been calculated."

Wei Yan was shocked, "What?"

She was calculated?

That is, it was not an accident, but someone carefully planned?

"Brother Prince, do you know who hurt me?"

she asked eagerly.

Then he looked at Wei An who was also thoughtful.

The prince gritted his teeth and said the man's name, "National teacher Xiao Heng!"

Wei An was shocked.

"Why would he do such a thing?"

The prince sighed, "Prime Minister, although I don't have any evidence to prove that he did it, but who will benefit from this incident? The Prime Minister can guess with a little thought.

I was walking on thin ice, but this time the incident pushed me to the cusp of the storm. After all, the National Teacher is the biggest beneficiary!

I and the Prime Minister are both victims! "

He spoke earnestly.

Then he looked at Wei Yancong seriously, "Yancong, don't worry, when these things are resolved, you will be my only queen!

It's only recently, I may not be able to come to see you, I know, this will hurt you, but at a critical moment, we can't take it lightly.

As long as Cha Cha's assassination is successful, we can continue to be together in an open and aboveboard manner. At that time, I will clarify your reputation and let everyone know that you are a victim. "

Wei Yan’s heavy crying pear flowers bring rain.

Although I don’t want to, but right now, there is no other way.

And she couldn't make the prince unhappy.

The Prime Minister was silent for a long time.

Then nodded, "Well, I'll urge Cha Cha to make her move faster."

Wei An agrees with the prince's meaning.

He estimated that it might be because he was too close to the prince that Xiao Heng would use this method to let his cooperation with the prince be abandoned.

But Xiao Heng would never guess.

He will never be provoked for this.

"Prince, you must be careful recently, it is very likely that Xiao Heng's people have been eyeing him.

This time, he hurt my daughter so much, I must make him pay with his life! "Wei An's voice became ruthless.

Xiao Heng inexplicably carried a pot on his back.

Prince saw Wei An so resolute, and his heart was almost overjoyed.

This move by myself is indeed the right thing to do!

(end of this chapter)