Chapter 1014: National teacher, let me assassinate (45)

Chapter 1014 National teacher, let me assassinate (45)

Immediately afterwards, the prince and Wei An went to the study together again.

Some words are inconvenient for Wei Yancong to hear.

Wei Yancong was alone in the room, thinking for a long time.

She always felt that Xiao Heng did not know herself.

There is no need to start with yourself.

It is very likely that Chacha was blowing the wind in Xiao Heng's ear, allowing Xiao Heng to harm her.

If so, then everything makes sense.

I am like this now.

became the laughing stock of everyone in the city.

The only person who has such a deep hatred with himself is Cha Cha!

Chacha's purpose is definitely not to let her marry the prince, Chacha is jealous of her being with the prince... That's why she used such a ruthless trick!

Wei Yancong made a note for Chacha.

Chacha, "???" Do you always suffer from persecution delusions?

In the study.

The prince told Xiao Heng about his love for tea.

Wei An felt that the assassination could be put on the agenda immediately!

Now Xiao Heng clearly likes her very much.

You can take this opportunity to kill Xiao Heng and avenge Yancong!

Wei An and the prince discussed and finally reached an agreement.

When he left the Prime Minister's Mansion, the prince's eyes were full of pride. This time, his calculation was really successful!


National Teacher's Office.

Cha Cha watched the news from Wei An.

couldn't help but sigh.

"National teacher? What the **** did you do? The prince and the prime minister actually sent me news every three days and asked me to assassinate you?" I think your character is not very good?

Xiao Heng paused, and the hand holding the porcelain cup stopped in mid-air.

for a moment.

He pursed his lips and said helplessly.

"Maybe you think I'm too much of a threat to them?"

Chacha, "..." I always feel that I can hear a bit of confusion in your words.

"Then what do you say?" Cha Cha tilted her head to look at him.

This time, Wei An and the prince set a deadline for her. If Xiao Heng could not be assassinated within the deadline, they would think of other ways.

Xiao Heng looked at her mysteriously, and said slowly, "Watch what happens."

chacha, “…”

She understands this.

The enemy doesn't move and I don't move.

However, it always feels strange.


While Wei An and the prince were waiting for the good news from Chacha, Chacha was eating at the National Teacher's House every day. Anyway, Xiao Heng was not in a hurry, so she had nothing to worry about.

There are still so many secret guards in the National Teacher's House, even if the prince and Wei Anzai sent someone to assassinate them, it would not be successful.

But these days.

Chacha always felt that Xiao Heng was teasing her.

Warm the bed that night, she didn't respond.

In the past few days, she has reacted.

Xiao Heng is clearly coaxing her. Does the bed have to be warmed by two people?

If that's the case, that person sleeps a lot too. Is it possible that everyone sleeps in cool quilts?


Chacha thought about it carefully.

didn't pierce him either.

He is so nonsense, if she doesn't give some face, then she will be too embarrassed.

And sleeping in a bed, it doesn't have much impact on her, so she doesn't care about him.

I don't know Xiao Heng, who has been seen clearly by Cha Cha, "..."

still thought the little girl was easy to coax.

As everyone knows.

is simply someone who is too lazy to dismantle it.

Time is fleeting.

A few days passed.

The Prince and Wei An found that there was still no movement in the National Teacher's Mansion.

Chacha has no news at all.

This time.

Prince was a little worried.

Shouldn't the assassination fail?

But if it fails, there should be news.

Is it possible, haven't done it yet?

Prince Zuo Si was puzzled and discussed with Wei An in the study.

Wei Yannong spoke up in a timely manner, "Brother Prince, Daddy, Yannong has something to say."

Prince was a little surprised, "But it doesn't matter."

(end of this chapter)