Chapter 1025: National teacher, let me assassinate (56)

Chapter 1025 National teacher, let me assassinate (56)

See Xiao Heng say this.

Cha Cha pondered, but still listen to his horns.

If she made a random move and disrupted his plan, it would be bad.

She nodded, very well-behaved, "I'll listen to you!"

See her so well-behaved.

Xiao Heng couldn't hold back, reached out and rubbed her little head.

Between the drooping brows, there is a hint of pampering.


Three nights later.

Xiao Heng has not returned.

Cha Cha sat there holding the quilt and waited for a long time, but did not wait for him to come back.

In the end, unable to hold on, his head fell on the bed.

Well, sleepy.

The next day.

Chacha opened his eyes and glanced at the empty space beside him.

Xiao Heng did not return overnight.

"Qiqi, it should be Wei An who shot with the prince?" I don't know how Xiao Heng is now.

【You can rest assured, Xiao Heng is definitely fine. 】 Qiqi comforted.

Chacha, " think too much, I'm not worrying about him."

She said as she got up to wash.

Qiqi, […] I feel that my host also likes duplicity.

You are obviously very worried, but you still say you are not worried?

After breakfast.

Cha Cha sat there and thought about it.

Since Xiao Heng hasn't come back, then she will go to him.

She had just stepped out of the door when Ling Yun appeared from the dark.

"Master ordered his subordinates to protect..."

"I don't need your protection." Cha Cha tilted his head to look at him, a little disgusted, "You can't beat me."

Ling Yun, "..."

Is he despised?

But it doesn't matter, the master's orders must be obeyed.

Even if she is disliked, she must be protected.

And he has never seen her martial arts. In this situation, he must be by her side.

"Master's order, please don't embarrass your subordinates."

Chacha, "..." OK, I'm not embarrassing you.

"That's it, you follow me, you go wherever I go."

She frowned and looked at Ling Yun with a smile.

Lingyun, "However, you can't go to dangerous places."

He lowered his eyes and couldn't help sighing at his master's wit.

Before leaving, he specially ordered that as long as the place she went to was not a dangerous place, she would be allowed to go out, and all he had to do was to protect her well.

Cha Cha tilted his head and said innocently, "How could I go to a dangerous place! You think too much."


When Lingyun followed her outside the palace.

The whole person was stunned.

"This..." He was in a complicated mood.

The palace is very dangerous now!

The prince and Wei Cheng pressed the palace to let the emperor abdicate.

It is estimated that the matter is not over yet, otherwise, the master would have returned to the national teacher's mansion.

Cha Cha calmly said, "Don't be afraid, we'll go in quietly so that these people won't find us."

After finishing her words, she performed Qing Gong and entered the palace as light as a swallow.

Ling Yun followed behind dumbfounded.

He looked at the figure thoughtfully, and suddenly felt a little slapped in the face. It seemed that Qinggong was really good.

Because of an accident in the palace, the guards were also transferred away, and there was no time to guard them in all places, so that they came to the emperor's palace very easily.

It looks like things have been resolved.

However, Chacha still smelled a strong **** smell, and it was estimated that he had experienced a war.

She quickly ran to the roof, uncovered one of the glazed tiles, and looked in through the gap.

Ling Yun, "..."

I always feel that the tea girl is not only fast but also skilled.

He sighed silently.


What can he do?

has come here, so we can only follow.

Lingyun also took advantage of the situation to unveil a glazed tile, and the scene inside was vaguely visible.

The emperor sat above.

There are guards around him.

Wei An and the prince knelt there and shivered.

(end of this chapter)