Chapter 1026: National teacher, let me assassinate (57)

Chapter 1026 National teacher, let me assassinate (57)

Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that he is being questioned by the emperor.

The emperor looked at the prince angrily, with a heavy heart.

"You are already the crown prince, what else is there to be satisfied with?" Not satisfied enough to enter the palace to force him to abdicate?

Is    so impatient to be enthroned as emperor?

Is there still a father emperor in his eyes!

The prince chuckled softly.

"Father Emperor, Erchen doesn't want to do this either, but what can Erchen do? He Xiao Heng controls the government and holds great power, and even Erchen, the prince, has less power than him.

Even look at his face, why?

Mingerchen is the prince!

Since Erchen is the crown prince, if he ascends the throne early and later, he will be on the throne, so why not let Erchen become emperor earlier and eradicate Xiao Heng! "

The prince gloomily vented his dissatisfaction.

He didn't expect it.

Xiao Heng was not seriously injured at all.

He and Wei An brought people into the palace and forced the emperor to abdicate, but he didn't want to. At a critical moment, Xiao Heng broke in and ruined his good deeds.

was just one step away, and he succeeded!

The prince looked at Xiao Heng with a grim look, it was because of Xiao Heng that he came to this point!

Otherwise, he would be a prince under one person and above ten thousand people! Not the prince who has no real power.

Xiao Heng glanced at the prince lightly.

There is not much expression.

is the emperor, and his mood is complicated.

He didn't expect that the prince thought so.

eradicate Xiao Heng?

How could he have such a mentally retarded son?

After Xiao Heng became a national teacher, he helped them solve many things that they could not solve.

Even the mess that the prince made every time he made a wrong decision was also cleaned up by Xiao Heng.

Now, planning to cross the river and demolish the bridge?

is too unkind.

Not to mention.

According to the prince's current ability, he can't be a good emperor at all.

Not even a prince.

Still want to be emperor?

The emperor sneered.

"You can even do things like rebellion? You are so disappointed in me!"


The emperor wanted to give up the prince.

Although he likes the prince, he is too incompetent, and what he has done disappoints him too much.

If Tianyao Kingdom really falls into Chu Zhe's hands, I'm afraid it will be over. "From now on, because Prince Chu Zhe committed the crime of treason, he will abolish the prince and be confined to the cold palace."

Well, the prince was abolished?


Chacha is happy to see it.

I intend to hear what will happen to Wei An.

's eyes flashed.

She looked in Xiao Heng's direction in astonishment, just in line with his.

Chacha, "!!!" suddenly felt guilty and was discovered!

She quickly retracted her gaze, then covered the glazed tiles again, and waved at Ling Yun, "Let's go, Xiao Heng sees us..."

Ling Yun, "???"

Wait, didn't you come to see the master?

Go back immediately after being discovered?

The master returned to the National Teacher's Mansion, wouldn't he really blame him?

Lingyun suddenly panicked.

was just so stunned for a few seconds.

Xiao Heng walked out of the palace and accurately caught the little girl who was sneaking up.

Chacha innocently blinked at Xiao Heng, and said softly, "You haven't come back all night, I'm worried about you..." She acted like a spoiled child!

Xiao Heng's eyes flashed, a little heavy, "..."

So cute!

Now, he really wants to take people back and bully them!

Bullied to the point of crying and begging him for mercy.

Cha Cha suddenly shuddered.

It's like someone is staring at him.

She looked at Xiao Heng subconsciously.

At that time.

Xiao Heng's expression has returned to normal. He raised his hand, rubbed her little head, and pulled the person into his arms. He said warmly, "Good, let's go back now."

Cha Cha nodded, "Yeah!"

When the prince was brought out, he saw such a warm scene.

His irritated eyes turned scarlet.


Happy New Year's Eve darlings~ Mama~(^з^)-☆

(end of this chapter)