Chapter 1099: School grass he is super fierce (65)

Chapter 1099 The school drafts him super fierce (65)

After the college entrance examination.

Lu Beiting specially cooked a sumptuous dinner.

At present, there is a high probability that he is in the same university as Little Cutie.

Chacha seems to be able to guess something.

She leaned over and said softly, "Even if our universities are not in the same school, I won't be bullied."

Lu Beiting raised his eyebrows to look at her, "You really won't be bullied, but you will bring me back a bunch of rotten peach blossoms..."

When the little cutie goes to that stop, it can attract the attention of many people.

If he didn't watch, there would be many rivals in love who would pop up.

And the little girl is so soft and stupid.

is easy to be tricked by others.

Thinking of this, Lu Beiting became more and more uneasy.

He stood up and paced back and forth in the living room.

Cha Cha looked at Lu Beiting with a bewildered expression. She had always felt that the arrival of the university had caused him to fall into anxiety.

Now it seems that the reason is actually her?

Well, he was actually worried about such a thing?

How could she be hooked up by others?


Cha Cha got up and dragged Lu Beiting, who was pacing back and forth, "Brother Lu!"

The little girl's voice was deliberately soft.

Lu Beiting stopped and looked at her seriously.

"What's wrong?"

Cha Cha obediently assured him, "I will never be abducted by others, don't worry."

Lu Beiting reached out and hugged the person into his arms.

"I know you won't be abducted, but there will definitely be some malicious people approaching you! Those people are all bad people! Maybe they will take advantage of you..."

In the end, the coldness around Lu Beiting deepened.

Cha Cha felt this change and felt a little helpless, and his mood was very complicated.

she sighed.

Even before the score came down, Brother Lu fell into anxiety. How could this make her feel good?

Seeing that the sumptuous dinner at the table was about to get cold, she changed the subject, "Let's have dinner first!"

You can't stop pampering dinner because of this, you will cry at dinner.

Lu Beiting nodded, "Well, eat."

Feed the little cutie first.



Cha Cha lay on the bed and just closed his eyes.

heard a sound from the second bedroom.

Cha Cha blinked, got up and ran to the second bedroom.

She was negligent, Lu Beiting was in a bad mood, she should look at him and sleep with him.

"Did something happen?"

The little girl asked worriedly.

Hearing the voice, Lu Beiting turned his head, slightly embarrassed, "It's not a big deal..."

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at him softly, "I can't sleep, why don't you sleep with me?"

In order to take care of Lu Beiting, Cha Cha found a tactful excuse, alas, it's so difficult for her.

heard the words.

Lu Beiting pinched himself subconsciously.

A little pain?

is not dreaming.

Does cutie know what he's talking about?

He looked at Cha Cha in astonishment.

After only a second of sluggishness, Lu Beiting responded quickly and nodded with a smile.

"It's getting late, let's go to bed!"

Without waiting for Cha Cha to nod, he directly stretched out his hand and picked him up.

Chacha, "???"

Wait, there seems to be something wrong.

Lu Beiting carried the person to the master bedroom, put him on the bed, covered the quilt thoughtfully, turned off the lights in the room, and left only one bedside lamp.

Under the dim yellow light, the little girl looked at him obediently.

The evil thoughts in Lu Beiting's heart dissipated a lot in an instant.

The little cutie is too cute and too soft.

He was reluctant to start.

for a moment.

Lu Beiting sighed deeply, walked over and lay down beside her.

"I'll hold you, go to sleep."

The gentle voice gradually calms people down.

Cha Cha turned over, put her little hand on his waist, and hugged him back, she whispered, "Actually, I asked you to accompany me because I was worried that you would not be able to sleep alone."

(end of this chapter)