Chapter 1100: School draft he is super fierce (End)

Chapter 1100 He is super fierce (End)

Lu Beiting's heart trembled.

Why is his little cutie so caring?

I really want to marry her and hide her immediately.

doesn't want others to see her.

She is so good and good, it can only be his!

Seeing that he was silent, Chacha said again.

"You don't have any scores in the college entrance examination, so you are worried about this? Is it because you have no confidence in me, or in you?"

The little girl pouted and looked at him dissatisfied.

Lu Beiting was a little helpless.

"My fault, I not only have to have some confidence in myself, but also in you, even if there are more rotten peach blossoms, I will not be able to abduct you!"

Cha Cha was amused by him.

Ba Chi kissed Lu Beiting on the face, and then whispered in his ear, "Today's protection fee has not been collected, do you still want the protection fee?"

Lu Beiting, "!!!"


Cute took the initiative to pay the protection fee, of course he wants to pay attention to it!


When the college entrance examination scores come down.

Lu Beiting was particularly happy, and the corners of his brows and eyes were full of satisfied smiles.

See him like this.

Cha Cha said faintly, "Although our scores are similar, if there is any other accident during admission, you..."

Lu Beiting's face changed.

He reached out and covered Cha Cha's mouth.

"Don't say it!"

His little cutie is not cute anymore!

How can    scare him?

Cha Cha squinted and smiled, Lu Beiting is so cute!

The notices from the two of them were sent to them on the same day.

Lu Beiting was very satisfied with this.

When school starts.

Lu Beiting and Cha Cha reported together.

As soon as he arrived at the school, he attracted the attention of many people. The young man was handsome and the little girl was cute and charming. This combination made many people secretly ask who they were.

It was later learned that the two were in a relationship.

everyone, "..."

Heartbreak suddenly.

They were already broken up before they started to have a crush.

This's so sour.

Lu Beiting is not a high-profile person himself, but after he found that many people were staring at his little cutie, he secretly began to show all kinds of affection.

Cute can only be his!

Cha Cha could also vaguely feel his possessiveness.

didn’t say anything about it.

is the time for dinner.

Cha Cha slowly ordered a wave of dishes: sweet and sour pork loin, sweet and sour pork ribs, vinegar cabbage, fried pork slices with sauerkraut, sauerkraut fish...

is simply sour.

As smart as Lu Beiting, of course he understood what she meant.

He silently ordered another jar of vinegar.

chacha, “…”

Are you going to drink vinegar?

Lu Beiting, "Drink some vinegar for an appetizer."

Chacha, "..." I don't want to talk to you.

Lu Beiting, who insisted on showing affection every day, took a long time, and finally made some rivals retreat.

However, there are still a few unwilling.

Leng means: I am willing to wait for Cha Cha, until the day Cha Cha and Lu Beiting break up.

Lu Beiting, "???" wants to hit someone!

Cha Cha is innocent and well-behaved, "I really don't know them." I really don't know why they are waiting for me.


Lu Beiting was also much quieter.

Since those rivals are willing to eat dog food, then eat dog food! Anyway, he can sprinkle dog food casually.

When the two were of the right age, Lu Beiting did not hesitate, and directly coaxed the little girl to get the marriage certificate.

On that day, he didn't say anything and posted the marriage certificate in the circle of friends.

Rivals retreat silently! !

has already obtained the certificate, what else can they do?

Gu Yue naturally also saw the marriage certificate. He tried to get involved, but unfortunately, the Lu family never thought of giving him any chance to get involved.

Even, he was blocked from the wedding of Cha Cha and Lu Beiting and had no chance to attend...

At that time, he knew that all his thoughts had long been seen through.

I think I treat others as a pawn, but I don't know that I am a joke.

Gu Yue regretted that.

But, what's the use of regretting it?

(end of this chapter)