Chapter 1114: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (14)

Chapter 1114 The prince is tender and soft (14)

Liu Manfeng regretted a lot, she shouldn't ruin her image in the heart of the little prince for that little money.

She lowered her head, her eyes filled with anxiety.

And now His Royal Highness is here too.

She was at a loss for what to do, and just as she was thinking about whether to continue pretending to be passed out, the voice with no temperature sounded.

"Miss Liu, pay attention to your emotions, don't pass out again, otherwise, in order not to fall into the name of a bully, this prince may submit these matters to the mother-in-law and let her handle it herself."

Liu Manfeng, "???"

"How can such a trivial matter bother the Empress?

Niangniang has a lot of time to manage these trivial matters. "She got up with a smile, pretending to be dazed, she couldn't pretend anymore.

After tossing, I'm afraid the prince will say something else that will make her tremble.

The prince snorted softly.

"Who doesn't know the position of Prince Gu in the heart of the queen?

Is Miss Watch joking? "

Every word of   Prince Prince shows the position of the little prince in the heart of the queen.

Euphemistically and straightforwardly reminded Liu Manfeng.

Some people cannot tolerate being bullied and calculated.

Liu Manfeng lowered his head and said nothing, "..."


Ting Feng brought the ledger.

There are obviously many problems in the account, and if you look it up, you can see that someone has stolen a lot of money from it.

Liu Manfeng stood aside, shivering, his eyes were red and red.


Just when the prince was about to be questioned.

The butler knelt down with a plop and kowtowed.

"His Royal Highness, the little prince, it's all my fault, it's me who embezzled the money in the account, and it's me who was blinded by lard.

Miss Biao is new to her, and she didn't understand this, so I lied to her..."

Cha Cha took a pause and stared at the housekeeper. I didn't expect that the housekeeper would actually take care of everything by himself?

is really beyond her expectations.

But...seems like this is fun too?

If Liu Manfeng was solved so easily, the days to come would probably be really boring.

The prince's eyes swept sharply towards Liu Manfeng.

Immediately took another look at Cha Cha.

The moment the two looked at each other, the prince understood what she meant.

He raised his hand and handed the ledger to Tingfeng.

"Listen to the wind, send people to the government, and let them deal with the law."

The housekeeper was taken away in tears by the wind.

Liu Manfeng didn't even dare to let out his breath. He tried his best to reduce his sense of existence.

I just heard Cha Cha's casual voice fall, "Since my cousin is so innocent, maybe I will be deceived next time, starting tomorrow, I will personally take care of the accounts.

As for the lack of money in the account, the hard-working cousin tried to find a way to find the housekeeper to get it back... I hope tomorrow, the prince and I can eat delicious mountain and sea delicacies. "

The last sentence is very meaningful.

Liu Manfeng understood immediately.

The little prince knew that this matter had something to do with her, but... he saved face for her and didn't hand her over to the government, and the words just now had a very obvious meaning, asking her to make up for the lack of money...

She nodded anxiously.

"I'll deal with it now..."

The prince snorted coldly.

Liu Manfeng's heart trembled, and he left the west courtyard in disorder.

After she returned to Fengyuan, her whole body seemed to have been exhausted from all her strength. She stumbled onto the bed, gasping for breath, as if she had passed through the gate of hell.

After a while, she got up again and rummaged through the cabinets to find all the money she had stolen, but fortunately, she hadn't spent much of it.

However, when the housekeeper had an accident, she posted a lot of money, and now she needs to sell the jewelry on her body to make up for the money.

(end of this chapter)