Chapter 1115: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (15)

Chapter 1115 The prince is tender and soft (15)

Thinking of the housekeeper, Liu Manfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the housekeeper helped her with everything, otherwise, she would be finished.

For the sake of the housekeeper's knowledge, if the housekeeper's family is short of silver taels in the future, she will be kind and reluctantly give a little alms.


After Liu Manfeng left.

Chacha arranged for the prince to live in the west courtyard.

By the way, let him help find a new batch of maids and servants, and the Guwangfu will be replaced in all aspects.

Replace all except the drizzle around her.

Oh, and the cook who cooks wild vegetables in the house, keep it for the time being.

The prince's request for her was fulfilled, and he ordered Tingfeng to arrange it as soon as possible.

But, after saying this, Cha Cha stood up and left, and the prince called out to her, "You haven't eaten dinner yet."

Hearing this, Cha Cha turned around, glanced at the cold wild vegetables on the table, and said with a smile, "I've eaten pastries and I'm full."

Prince watched the young man jump away and leave, he looked at the wild vegetables on the table, and even the breath around him became a little cold.

Listening to the wind, "...I will go to the restaurant outside and bring some food back?"

This wild vegetable looks hard to swallow, even he can't eat it, not to mention the prince's precious body.

The prince frowned and got up in an unhappy mood, "No, rest!" He was almost full of anger from the little prince, no wonder he kept eating pastries, and said he would regret it...

It’s clear that it’s early and dinner is a wild vegetable!

Thinking that he was tricked by someone, the prince just wanted to be alone for a while.

At that time.

Cha Cha returned to the room with a drizzle.

Without waiting for Drizzle to speak, she followed the scent to find the place where Drizzle hides the food.

She found the food container and brought out the meal.

"Drizzle, let's eat!"

Drizzle nodded, to be honest, she was hungry too.

Suddenly, she thought of His Royal Highness, and paused, "Master, do you want to call His Royal Highness?"

After all, His Royal Highness did not eat.

Chacha quickly objected, "Don't shout!" Who asked him to call her short legs today?

She takes revenge!

I didn't take revenge at that time, but now I have found an opportunity.

Just let him starve, it's not a big deal anyway.

Drizzle, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince offended you?"

She quickly reacted. When the master first asked her to go to the Zuixianlou, he specially instructed her to secretly not be discovered. It seems that at that time, the master had already thought about it.

Chacha nodded, "Well, you offended me." She called me short legs, but would she say such a thing? of course not!

She took the bowls and chopsticks, "Eat quickly! Clean up secretly after eating." Cha Cha's eyes were bright.

Drizzle moved his chopsticks together without hesitation.

Since His Royal Highness has offended the master, there is really no need to give him meals.

Master does everything right!

The two ate for a long time.

Drizzle burped, reached out and rubbed his stomach, "Master, I can't eat any more."

Chacha, "...I, I'm full too."

Well, Drizzle this girl bought a lot of food, and Cha Cha was shocked.

"Well, there is another roast duck that didn't move."

She tilted her head and thought for a while.

How about, send it to His Royal Highness?

Forget about the short legs.

For the sake of his help, I still send it to him.

But, before that.

She wants to clean up the crime scene with Drizzle first.

Otherwise, if the prince finds out and they secretly eat it, it will be bad.

Drizzle packed his things, went out of the room, and completely wiped out the evidence in his hand.

In this way, they won't be caught secretly eating.

Chacha nodded in satisfaction.

The efficiency of drizzle is still OK.

Her eyes gradually fell on the roast duck. She got up, wrapped the roast duck, and planned to send it to the prince.

(end of this chapter)