Chapter 1169: I became the gold master of my little brother (1)

Chapter 1169 I became the gold master of my little brother (1)

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task. 】

【The lucky gold card owned by the host has risen to the tenth level of the gold card, and the lucky card skills have been permanently lit and all triggered!

Charm card has been upgraded to the second level of silver card.

Snack card is upgraded to normal card level 8.

Wealth Gold Card Level 3 is upgraded to Gold Card Level 4, and you have Level 4 Wealth. 】

Qiqi said happily.

The task completion of the host is fantastic.

So far, I haven’t missed a beat.

Cha Cha asked thoughtfully, "Has the lucky gold card been upgraded to the highest level?"

77, [Yes, ordinary cards, silver cards, gold cards, and each attribute card are further divided into ten levels, from low to high. Normally, the tenth level of the gold card is the highest level. 】

Chacha captured a message, "What about the abnormal situation?"

Qiqi paused for a while, [This... is not certain for the time being, and there is no abnormal situation yet. 】

"Oh, you don't know." Cha Cha tilted her head in thought.

I don't know what benefits the lucky gold card can bring her.

"We enter the next plane," she said.

【it is good. 】


"Chacha, where are we going to eat at night?"

A gentle female voice came, Cha Cha followed the voice and looked over, the girl in front of her looked pure and innocent, with a small white flower face.

Wearing a white dress that looks like a street stall, and wearing a diamond-encrusted pearl hairpin in her hair, it doesn't look cheap.

A look of surprise flashed in Cha Cha's eyes, and instead of replying in a hurry, he said softly, "I want to go to the bathroom first..."

The girl nodded, "Then I'll wait for you, it's still early anyway."

Chacha went into the bathroom, shouted Qiqi, and began to receive the plot.

The original owner of Chu tea.

The person who just talked to her was her college roommate Fu Qiangwei, who was also a very good friend of the original owner.

The Chu family is very rich. The original owner was born with a golden key and was raised as a little princess since childhood.

Until the university, the original owner felt that she should have her own life. In order to integrate into the group, she lived in the dormitory and then met Fu Qiangwei.

Fu Qiangwei is very different from Chu tea.

Her family was poor and lived on scholarships.

Chu Cha knew that her identity would bring a lot of unnecessary trouble, so she concealed her identity as a rich second generation and lived a low-key life.

School started soon.

Fu Qiangwei and Chu Cha became good friends.

Chu Cha also began to gradually understand Fu Qiangwei's situation.

After learning that her family was not well, Chu Cha would take the initiative to pay for each meal.

Later, he would buy clothes, jewelry, skin care products and cosmetics, and give them to Fu Qiangwei.

Fu Qiangwei also looked grateful.

But if Fu Qiangwei is really grateful, then there will be no tea in this plane.

Chu tea is low-key.

But the famous brand and living habits on her body still exposed her situation. Fu Qiangwei could not tell through it, and pretended to know nothing.

Chu tea is 'careful' in some ways.

For example: Fu Qiangwei is in front of her and keeps looking at the clothes of a certain brand on her mobile phone. She will notice it after a long time.

Then find time to buy it for Fu Qiangwei.

Fu Qiangwei looked extremely surprised and grateful.

I don’t know how many times this has happened.

Clothes, jewelry, limited editions... All kinds of things, whatever Fu Qiangwei likes, Chu Cha will buy her almost.

In the eyes of Chu Cha.

Fu Qiangwei is her good friend and sister, so she should take care of her and help her.

However, Chu Cha did not know.

She has always been tricked by Fu Qiangwei.

Under normal circumstances, when is it so coincidental that every time I look at something I like, I can be seen by Chu Cha?

(end of this chapter)