Chapter 1170: I became the gold master of my little brother (2)

Chapter 1170 I became my little brother's gold master (2)

Of course, clothes and jewelry are secondary.

Fu Qiangwei also has a boyfriend - Qu Chenzhou.

The two were childhood sweethearts.

Qu Chenzhou has a handsome and good-looking face. After being discovered by a scout, he signed with the company to enter the entertainment industry.

But there are indeed many handsome and good-looking little brothers in the entertainment industry.

When Qu Chenzhou is placed in a crowd, it can only be described in four words: the crowd is utterly absent.

Fu Qiangwei knew that Chu Cha's family was rich, but she didn't know the specific background, but in her opinion, it was better than having nothing.


She took the mentality of giving it a try.

brought Qu Chenzhou to Chu Cha.

Fu Qiangwei told Chu Cha that Qu Chenzhou was her boyfriend and signed with the company to enter the entertainment industry, but because he was a young rookie, it was very miserable, and the agent did not care about it...

In short, the two of them looked miserable at home.

Even life is difficult.

I have to say that Fu Qiangwei and Qu Chenzhou's acting skills are still good, and they quickly made Chu Cha stunned for a while.

Especially after knowing that the entertainment company Qu Chenzhou signed was her own Star Entertainment, she directly called the boss of Star Entertainment, her own brother.

Qu Chenzhou's resources have risen steadily since then, and he can be called a top performer!

Qu Chenzhou and Fu Qiangwei can be considered as thoroughly aware of how powerful Chu Cha's background is!

envious and jealous.

After Fu Qiangwei, her attitude towards Chu Cha changed a lot, and she wanted to please her more and more.

And Qu Chenzhou was moved by Chu Cha.

His own situation, he knows it very well.

Since Chu Cha can help him get resources, he will definitely get more.

Fu Qiangwei and him are childhood sweethearts.

But in the end, Fu Qiangwei has nothing and can't help his career at all.

In this case, all fools know to choose Chu tea.

Qu Chenzhou began to flirt with Chu tea in various ways.

However, Chu Cha never responded.

But Qu Chenzhou's mind was discovered by Fu Qiangwei. Fu Qiangwei didn't dare to turn against these two people, but secretly hid the evidence.

She saw Qu Chenzhou transformed into a little brother, a male **** in the hearts of many little girls... worth rising.

So, she also moved into the entertainment industry.

Qu Chenzhou naturally disagreed, but Fu Qiangwei had the trump card of Chu Cha in her hand.

There is no shortage of resources.

Soon, he gained a firm foothold in the circle.

The first thing she did after that was to get revenge on Qu Chenzhou and Chu Cha.

accuses Chu Cha of being a junior and destroying her relationship with Qu Chenzhou. Since then, Qu Chenzhou has been labeled as a scumbag, and her image has plummeted.

On the other hand, Chu Cha was regarded as a junior by many people, and was attacked and abused by countless people.

The Chu family was furious.

After checking everything.

Chu Cha realized that she had been deceived by Fu Qiangwei.

Unfortunately, her reputation has been ruined.

The Chu family blocked Fu Qiangwei in a rage.

But in the entertainment industry, the Chu family is not the boss, Fu Qiangwei turned around and hooked up with Feixing Entertainment, the nemesis of Xingchen Entertainment, and there were still scenes to be filmed.

Not only that, Feixing and Xingchen have been fighting for several years.

Fu Qiangwei has been in Xingchen for so long, she has mastered a lot of the situation of Xingchen, and there are several high-level friends who are close to each other.

Chacha, "..." I met two white-eyed wolves again! ! !

It's okay, I can!

As for the current progress, Qu Chenzhou has already taken over a popular variety show. With the warm man in the variety show, he has attracted a lot of girlfriend fans.

is a new angle in the entertainment industry.

There is also a play in hand that is negotiating a contract.

Chacha's eyes lit up, and she immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to her brother.

Talk about a contract?

Oh, don't talk about it, Qu Chenzhou has no chance.

(end of this chapter)