Chapter 1171: I became the gold master of my little brother (3)

Chapter 1171 I became the gold master of my little brother (3)

Cha Cha waited for a while, but didn't wait for the original owner's brother Chu Heng to reply.

I guessed that he was busy with work, so he didn’t bother him anymore.

Anyway, the news has already been sent, and Chu Heng will see it sooner or later.

She walked out of the bathroom.

Xiaobaihua was standing there quietly waiting for her.

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at her, always feeling that it would be bad if he refused to eat with her.

Maybe the little white flower, oh no, maybe Fu Qiangwei will cry.

"I'll grab the bag, let's go! Where do you want to eat?" Cha Cha asked.

Nothing different from usual.

Fu Qiangwei responded, "Just the restaurant from yesterday! It tastes good."

Cha Cha nodded, "Hmm."

Cunning flashed in his black and white eyes.

That restaurant is not cheap.

Since Fu Qiangwei has chosen, don't blame her for a small counterattack first.

That high-end restaurant is not far from the school, the environment is good, the taste is good, the service is good, and of course, the price is high.

Fu Qiangwei and Chacha walked together.

Many people on the road cast their eyes on them.

After all, the two little girls are very beautiful, each with their own strengths, one looks soft and well-behaved, and the other looks pure and beautiful.

Fu Qiangwei's eyes turned around from Cha Cha.

Seeing that she was playing with her phone all the time, she didn't seem to notice her much, and she felt a little unhappy in her heart.

This is not what I thought.

She glanced at her cheap white dress.

If it is replaced by the past.

When   Chacha saw it, she would definitely find a piece of clothes she didn't wear and give it to her.

As a result, Chacha has no response today?

This made her a little irritable.

It would be a shame to not wear this cheap dress if I knew earlier.

However, she wears it all out, she always has to get what she wants!

Fu Qiangwei narrowed her eyes.

It's almost time for that restaurant.

She paused and spoke a little embarrassedly.

"Chacha, I... I suddenly felt that it would be inappropriate for me to dress like this and enter such a high-end restaurant with you?"

Her abacus is playing loudly.

These words are so clear. After dinner, Chacha will definitely invite her to go to the mall to buy clothes, maybe buy another bag.

The moment    lowered his eyes, the corners of his lips became a little more proud.

What if the family has money? Wasn't it being played around by her?

Chacha glanced at her.

After finishing the plot, she naturally knew what Fu Qiangwei was thinking at this moment.

No wonder when I saw Fu Qiangwei for the first time, I felt weird. It was nothing more than thinking of deceiving the original owner to buy her clothes.

Tsk, every time the original owner sent something, for fear of hurting Fu Qiangwei's self-esteem, he always found various reasons to send it.

Alas, the original owner was fine, but he was a little blind.

Cha Cha looked at Fu Qiangwei with a harmless face, "It's okay, the service in high-end restaurants is very good, they won't chase you out."

Fu Qiangwei choked, "..." There was a bit of embarrassment on her face.

What does she mean by that?

She wanted to say something else, only to see that Cha Cha had entered the restaurant.

Fu Qiangwei gritted her teeth, swallowed her dissatisfaction, and followed into the restaurant.

Cha Cha calmly picked a seat, raised his hand to beckon the waiter, and then asked Fu Qiangwei to order.

Fu Qiangwei was stunned for a moment when she saw the menu. The really expensive.

However, it's not her who paid, it doesn't matter.

She paused, but didn't dare to order a bunch of them. In order to show her savings, she ordered a few dishes that they had eaten together yesterday.

Fu Qiangwei, "Chacha, do you think it's okay to order some of these?"

Chacha, "Well, as long as you're happy."

(end of this chapter)