Chapter 1193: I became the gold master of my little brother (25)

Chapter 1193 I became my little brother's gold master (25)

Chacha glanced at Fu Qiangwei.

There was a bit of sarcasm in his tone, "It's useless for you to explain.

However, I still hope that in the future, you must be careful in your heart, don't call me a good sister, I really don't want to have a good sister like you, and there will be no sister like you. "

Leaving those words, Cha Cha turned and left.

I'm too lazy to talk to Fu Qiangwei so much.

Although the food in this restaurant is good, unfortunately, her mood was affected.

She needs to go to another restaurant to eat more.

After Cha Cha left.

Qu Chenzhou glared at Fu Qiangwei angrily.

The few words just now, the fool can understand what is going on.

"I told you a long time ago that it's better for you to restrain yourself in front of Chu Cha, treat her as a big head, and pick up wool every day!

As long as someone asks a few words in front of her, she can come back to her senses and realize that you are taking her money...

Well now, overturned!

The relationship between you two is over, what should I do? What will happen to my future?

The resources that I finally got, if she blows the wind in Chu Heng’s ear, can I still hang out in Xingchen in the future? "

Qu Chenzhou felt that the whole person was not well.

As soon as he thought that his future might be greatly affected, he could not wait to ask Fu Qiangwei if he was specially here to overcome him!

And Fu Qiangwei always felt wronged.

Now that Qu Chenzhou said this again, his eyes suddenly turned red.

"You are still thinking about your career and your future, what about me? What am I in your eyes? I'm afraid nothing can compare to it...

It is not as important as your career, not as important as your future, and not as important as Chu Tea!

Qu Chenzhou, don't forget, I'm your girlfriend! The person who has been with you for so many years is also me, not Chu Cha! "

Qu Chenzhou only felt that his little heart suddenly became cold.

hurriedly comforted Fu Qiangwei.

"No, I didn't mean that, I was just too anxious! Rose, you know, I can only make a lot of money if my career gets better. At that time, I can give you whatever you want."

at this moment.

The comforting Qu Chenzhou realized a very important issue.

He is now an entertainer.

There are also many fans.

If he has a big fire in the future, Fu Qiangwei will be a ticking time bomb to him.

In case someone finds out that he has a girlfriend.

Then how does he explain it to fans?

This problem must be resolved.

After finally comforting Fu Qiangwei, the two left the box one after the other.

When Qu Chenzhou went to checkout, he was shocked.

Was he supposed to pack up all the food just now? ? ?

Good gas!

The work was not done, and a sum of money was paid for the meal.

Qu Chenzhou scolded softly, and then left the restaurant.

On the other hand, the front desk looked at Qu Chenzhou's back and felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

Fu Qiangwei went back to school.

Looking at the empty bedroom, his anger surged, and he smashed a lot of things on the spot.

She tilted her head to look at the bed belonging to Chu Cha.

It's like he suddenly came back to his senses.

In fact, from that day onwards, Chu Cha's attitude towards her changed, she should have noticed it earlier!

instead of realizing it today.

Maybe there is still a chance to recover at that time.


Now that things are like this, what else can she do?

Fu Qiangwei went to wash up upset.

When    put on the mask, she was startled and found that there was the last mask left, "..."

Such an expensive mask, will she have to pay for it herself in the future?

She looked at the skin care products and cosmetics on the table and woke up suddenly. Without Chu tea, her living expenses are not enough to support her current life...

(end of this chapter)