Chapter 1194: I became the gold master of my little brother (26)

Chapter 1194 I became the gold master of my little brother (26)


Qu Chenzhou sat in the office eagerly waiting for the manager.

The agent called him early in the morning to ask him to come over. It sounded that the agent was in a good mood. He thought that there should be something good.

And the recording of the variety show will start tomorrow, I guess there is something to explain in person.

Anyway, Qu Chenzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Cha should not go to Chu Heng to blow the wind.

Anyway, she has such a good relationship with Rose.

Even if it gets like this now, it shouldn't really do anything to him.

Qu Chenzhou comforted himself.

He sat there and waited another whole hour before the agent finally appeared in front of him.

"Brother Li." Qu Chenzhou stood up and shouted.

Brother Li hummed, his face was not very good.

"Chenzhou, have you offended someone recently?"

Qu Chenzhou's expression changed.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Brother Li? What are you talking about? How can I offend people? Don't you know who I am?"

That kind of bad premonition came over me.

Qu Chenzhou was a little flustered, but he still felt that things wouldn't go to that point.


Brother Li sighed, "You go back and have a good rest these few days, I'll let you know if anything happens."

Qu Chenzhou, "???"

These words seemed like a bolt from the blue to him.

"Brother Li, what do you mean by that? I have a variety show tomorrow, how can I go back to rest?"

Brother Li, "Oh, the company thinks that you are not suitable, so another person is going to participate."

Qu Chenzhou's face turned pale, "..." Another person?

In panic, he pulled Brother Li, "Didn't we agree that the second phase is still me? Why did I change? My performance is not good enough? Who else? Who can perform better than me!"

Qu Chenzhou couldn't believe that he had been waiting for such a news overnight.

Brother Li was not satisfied with his response.

reached out and pushed Qu Chenzhou away.

"I can't decide these things, you should think about it carefully, have you offended anyone!"

If it hadn't offended people, the company wouldn't suddenly make such a decision.

Qu Chenzhou looked dull, "..."

Is Chu Cha so cruel?

He quickly took out his mobile phone and called Chu Cha.

Brother Li saw his reaction and immediately understood.

Also said that he didn't offend anyone?

This reaction, isn't it obvious who you have offended?

Qu Chenzhou didn't expect that the call was quickly connected, and the moment he heard the voice, his eyes were full of anger, "Even if you and Qiangwei are in trouble, as for me? I didn't offend you at all! "

Cha Cha took the phone and listened to Qu Chenzhou quietly.

Immediately, he opened his mouth.

"You are really weird, I asked you to give your variety show to you, and now I don't want to give it to you for the second episode, so what if you take it back?

Frankly speaking, you make me very unhappy.

However, I will not directly cut off your future. Don't always think about taking shortcuts in the future, please climb up quietly with your own strength! "

Qu Chenzhou was speechless.

What more do I want to say, the phone has been hung up, and if I call again, even the mobile phone number is blocked.

He paused, feeling complicated...

What will he do in the future?

Originally, he was expecting another wave of fans in the second phase of the variety show.

Nothing left now.

When will he wait for the next opportunity?

There are many better people than him in this circle, he is just a little transparent with no background and can't do anything.

Qu Chenzhou hurriedly went to see Brother Li, "Brother Li, it's really none of my business, it's one of my friends who got into trouble with another friend...I was implicated..."

Brother Li looked at him and said nothing.

(end of this chapter)