Chapter 1201: I became the gold master of my little brother (33)

Chapter 1201 I became my little brother's gold master (33)

Cha Cha pondered for a while, then opened his Weibo account.

Her private account, many people in the school follow her, and Fu Qiangwei is also on the follow list.


Chacha posted a Weibo, and Aite called Fu Qiangwei.

Chu Cha: I didn’t rob your boyfriend, and I don’t like him @黄白花花.

This Weibo post was sent out, and a lot of melon-eating people immediately exploded.

So exciting!

I have never seen such a straight and lovely girl!

Tsk tsk, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it!

This face slap is really cool.

At the same time, some people also asked what happened to the so-called 'boyfriend' under this Weibo.

Since Chu Cha can post this Weibo, then he must know about the post last night. Naturally, many people are curious about what happened to the so-called boyfriend.

Chacha's reply was also very straightforward.

She replied below the comment:

[Although I don't want to answer your personal question, it is better to say some things clearly. There is no money owner, no boyfriend, just a little money at home. 】

Anyone likes to speak openly.

Say it clearly, and don’t let others guess.

So, someone soon asked her again: Little Cutie doesn't have a boyfriend now? see how am I?

chacha, “…”

Geng Zhicha is online again: [What can you tell by looking at your Weibo name? And I just don't have a boyfriend right now, I'm chasing someone, maybe there will be soon. 】

The people who eat melons are suddenly stunned.


Cute, can you say it again?

Who are you chasing?

Which one that kills a thousand knives needs you to chase?

A is a lot of boys, and their hearts are broken instantly.

Little cutie is going to run after someone?

They were suddenly afraid.

Little cutie still looks stupid, she should be easy to deceive, what if she is cheated by some dog man?

The style of the   comment area has suddenly changed.

All is to tell Chacha not to trust men casually, and be vigilant.

Cha Cha was confused.

These comments are really hard to understand.

Don't trust men? guys are men too!

Fu Qiangwei received a reminder on her mobile phone, and saw that Chu Cha posted Aite herself directly on Weibo, and then looked at the comments on that Weibo, she gritted her teeth and did not reply, but logged out of the Weibo account, treating it as nothing. do not know.

Anyway, after class, the two will always meet.

She has already thought of a countermeasure.


There are still five minutes before class time.

Chacha arrived in the classroom.

Many people cast complicated glances at her.

Of course, many of them are theatergoers.

She tilted her head and glanced around.

I saw Fu Qiangwei somewhere, and it looked like she had just cried.

Um? ? ?

Then it might be interesting today.

She walked over slowly and sat on the other side.

Fu Qiangwei's reaction was calm, she knew that Chu Cha would not sit with her.

She rubbed her eyes, stood up with red eyes, and took the initiative to walk to Cha Cha.

She stood at her desk, her voice soft and full of grievances.

"Chacha, I, I just found out about the forum, I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

Fu Qiangwei's voice was not loud, but in the classroom, a group of people were watching the play, and it was very quiet. Naturally, they could hear what Fu Qiangwei said.

A few girls who dislike Fu Qiangwei are full of disdain.

Saying that you only know about the forum now?

cheating ghosts!

There was no truth in his mouth.

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at Fu Qiangwei and nodded, "Well, I really blame you, but I don't want to forgive you."

Tsk, Fu Qiangwei's words are all lies, about the kind that you can't even trust punctuation marks.

Moreover, no one stipulates that if you apologize, you must forgive.

Well, if you don't forgive, if you don't forgive, you won't forgive!

(end of this chapter)