Chapter 1202: I became the gold master of my little brother (34)

Chapter 1202 I became my little brother's gold master (34)

Fu Qiangwei froze.

's complexion also solidified a bit.

"Tea Cha..."

she shouted, her voice choked with sobbing, tears in her eyes, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

At the same time, Fu Qiangwei took a step forward, as if to grab Cha Cha's wrist.

Chacha shrewdly avoided, and his face turned cold.

"Don't touch me! I'm afraid you will touch porcelain. What if I fall and lose money?"

Fu Qiangwei froze in place, feeling a little helpless.

This time, I was really at a loss, not from the show.

She knew that Chu Cha was upright, but how could she be so upright?

She suspected that Chu Cha did it on purpose!

And after saying this, even if she really wanted to do something, she couldn't do it, not even touch porcelain.

Fu Qiangwei bit her lip and took a step back aggrieved.

This scene has to go on, she can't back down now, or it's all over.

"Chacha, how can you think of me like this? There is a misunderstanding between us, I believe it can be resolved.

As for what happened yesterday, I really don’t know. If it brought you a bad influence, I will now solemnly apologize to you again. "

Chacha waved his hand.

"I said, I don't want to forgive you, your apology is useless, and you don't have a word of truth in your mouth.

The person who posted on the    forum claimed to be your friend, so tell me, who is that friend? "

Fu Qiangwei looked sad, she lowered her eyes and restrained all her emotions.

"Chacha, don't embarrass me, I can't tell who my friend is, you can blame me! My friend is for my own good..."

Cha Cha pursed her lips and looked at her coldly.

"I think you are making a friend out of nothing. Does the friend you mentioned really exist?

When I look horizontally and vertically, I feel that the post was sent by you. Do you have anything else to say? "

Fu Qiangwei's eyes flashed with panic.

"You, what do you mean by that? Do you think it was me who posted to blackmail you? How could I do that? Our sisters for several years, how could I..."

Chacha interrupted Fu Qiangwei impatiently.

"Why don't you do that? Do you have no idea about the relationship between us?

You deliberately approached me, deliberately pretended to be pitiful and miserable in front of me, eating and drinking, now I have a clear mind, I understand, I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore, and you, if you don’t have one, you will eat and drink for free, And also buy you clothes and jewelry to take advantage of!

You are just realizing that you can’t live without me, oh, more accurately, you can’t live without the money in my hand.

Fu Qiangwei, save yourself some face, do you have to make my words so clear? "

Fu Qiangwei stood there, all cold.

How did this happen?

Obviously she just wanted Chu Cha to forgive her, but now she has torn her face?

She was a little flustered.

The whole person is a little confused.

Because of Chu Cha's words, it all touched her heart.

"I...I...I didn't approach you on purpose, nor did I ask you to buy me clothes or jewelry..."

Fu Qiangwei tried her best to explain.

Chu Cha gave a meaningful hum, "Indeed, you didn't take the initiative to say this, Fu Qiangwei, you are really smart, you always use hints to remind me that you are short of clothes and jewelry...

Since you want to refute me and prove that you are not approaching me for profit, then you can go back to your bedroom later and return all the clothes and jewelry I gave you before, I don't need you to buy new ones for me , or your friend will say that I am embarrassing you.

What do you think of my proposal? "

(end of this chapter)