Chapter 1221: I became the gold master of my little brother (53)

Chapter 1221 I became my little brother's gold master (53)

Chacha shook his head a little embarrassedly.

Quietly glanced at Nan Yi who was cleaning up the tableware.

"I think it's because the little brother is good-looking and attracts fans!"

Qiqi, […] Okay, you’re cute, you’re right.

You have praised Nanyi like this, what else can I say?

Nan Yi packed up the dishes and saw the little girl smirking at the phone there.

Helplessly walked over and rubbed her head.

"Walk around the community with me, take a walk to digest and digest food, okay?"

Cha Cha put down the phone and glanced at Nan Yi.

thought for a while and nodded.

She stood up and said softly, "Wait a minute."

Nan Yi looked at the soft girl and replied, "Okay."

Cha Cha turned around and went to his room.

After half a minute, he jumped and ran out.

He holds a baseball cap and a mask in his hands.

Nan Yi smiled helplessly, and immediately knew what she was going to do.

"I'm not that popular, I just walk around the community and don't meet fans." He explained.

reached out to grab the baseball cap in her hand.

The little girl responded quickly, put her hands behind her back, tilted her head and looked at him with serious eyes.

"If you don't wear it, then I won't go."

If he is encountered by fans, it is not good for him.

Nan Yi couldn't beat her, took a step forward, and the distance between the two instantly narrowed.

He lowered his head and said warmly, "Then you help me wear it."

Chacha nodded.

blushed and helped him put on his baseball cap.

Immediately afterwards, he helped him put on a mask.

The tips of his white fingers accidentally touched his cheek, and his fingers trembled slightly.

She raised her head subconsciously.

just met Shang Nanyi's focused eyes.

Chacha, "..." Well, his eyes look so sultry.

She lowered her head and slowly helped him put on the mask.

As soon as his hands were retracted, Nan Yi suddenly held hers, and a low voice fell in his ears, "You didn't put it on for me, you covered your eyes."

Chacha, "???"

The little girl glanced at Nan Yi embarrassedly.

is really not worn properly.

"Then, let go first."

Otherwise, her hand can't be used, how can she help him wear it.

"Hmm." Nan Yi let go of her hand, but her eyes darkened a bit.

His fingertips seemed to have a temperature that didn't belong to him.

The little girl carefully helped him adjust the mask.

"It's alright now, shall we go out?"

She turned and walked forward.

An extra hand suddenly appeared around his waist, half hugging her, "I think you need to wear a mask too."

's slender fingers transformed into a mask like magic, and then put it on Chacha's face.

The small face the size of a slap was more than half covered.

round eyes, looking at him innocently.

Cha Cha, "You can go out now!"

Nan Yi, "Yeah." We can't let more people discover his little treasure. One more day of hiding is a day.

He wrapped her waist and took her for a walk outside.

Seven-seven, […]

It just wants to kick over this bowl of dog food now!

is too deceiving!

It’s not enough to distribute dog food in the apartment, but you have to go out to distribute dog food? What about conscience?

The two spent an hour wandering outside before returning to the apartment.

I don’t know what to do in such a small place.

Nanyi stood at the door with tea in a circle.

The apartment for two is just a step away.

He let go of his hand reluctantly.

"have a good rest."

Cha Cha, "Hmm."

The two looked at each other for a while, and Cha Cha turned around embarrassedly and opened the door, "I'm in!"

She waved at Nan Yi.

Nan Yi, "Don't stay up late, don't play with your phone all the time."

Cha Cha, "I know."

Nan Yi, "Also, don't get involved in the fan circle. Your task is to study hard and draw the lottery. Forget it this time, and there can be no next time."

(end of this chapter)