Chapter 1222: I became the gold master of my little brother (54)

Chapter 1222 I became my little brother's gold master (54)

I heard Nan Yi mentioned the lottery.

Chacha blinked innocently.

Trying to get through the level.

"I will study hard."

Nan Yi, "Well, rest early."

Cha Cha entered the apartment and closed the door.

When Nan Yi turned around to open the door, she suddenly remembered that the little girl just missed something?

Only say study hard?


He sighed helplessly.

Cha Cha sat on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and browsed Weibo.

Her lottery Weibo has been retweeted by many people.

In addition, many people follow her Weibo, most of them are fans of Nan Yi.

She roughly swept around, these fans followed her because she spent money for Nan Yi.

Fans don't follow her, but she doesn't care.

Immediately after, he glanced at the time again.

There are still more than half an hour before the draw.

Taking advantage of this time, she can take a bath first.

I guess the time is almost up.


Ten p.m.

Draw on time.

Twenty people won 10,000 yuan each.

Chacha took out his mobile phone and quickly transferred money.

After five minutes.

received the grand prize of 10,000 yuan.

Twenty people posted screenshots respectively, indicating that this young lady is really inhuman!

At the same time that fans are envious.

Chacha posted another lucky draw Weibo.

Chu Tea: Draw 100 people, and each person can get 10,000 yuan.

Draw conditions:

One: Follow Nan Yi and forward this Weibo.

2: I have never hacked Nan Yi or scolded Nan Yi.

The lottery will be drawn at 10 o'clock tomorrow night. (Because of my manual transfer and statistics of winning information, it is expected that all of them will be credited within one hour.)

As soon as this Weibo was posted, the comments exploded instantly.

【Miss, look at me! look at me! 】

【Miss, stop drawing the lottery, draw me! 】

【Dad, the gold master, do you mind having another little brother, my little brother XXX is good at singing and dancing, welcome to start! 】

【The one upstairs goes away! Don't dig people! Miss is my family! 】

The students of University A have mixed feelings.

The family is obviously the second generation of the rich.

It is only Fu Qiangwei's mental retardation that she feels that there is a gold owner.

Which gold owner can make her spend so much money for other men? Silly?

A random draw is 1.2 million!

Don't say anything, miss, look at me! I have a handsome face and a warm face, so I just need a girlfriend to take me away!

Nan Yi was very helpless when she saw the lottery Weibo.

Just said that she was not allowed to do the lottery again, and she forgot her words in a blink of an eye. Not only that, but also directly increased the lottery amount to one million.

He looked at Weibo with a headache.

After a while, he liked the Weibo post of Chacha.

and then retweeted it.

Nami V: I also want to win the lottery.

chacha, “…”

She thought about it for a while, and sent Nan Yi a red envelope of 10,000 yuan.

And a gentle reminder: the probability of winning the lottery is too low, I will transfer it to you directly!

Nan Yi looked at the transfer reminder, "???"

I am really being embraced and raised by the gold master’s father, right?

He stared at the screen of his mobile phone, dumbfounded.

The speed at which the little girl spends money is a bit amazing. It seems that he will work harder to make money in the future, otherwise he may not be able to raise the baby.

Chacha's lucky draw Weibo has attracted many people's attention due to the amount of money.

Even Brother Qian silently forwarded one.

Well, please win!

10,000 yuan!

Look at his blinking star eyes, he really wants a little money.


Fu Qiangwei has been paying attention to Chacha.

When   Chacha posted the first lottery Weibo, she noticed it.

At that time, I sighed in the bottom of my heart that Chu tea people were stupid and rich.

Now in the blink of an eye, she feels that Chu Cha is not stupid and rich, but that there is no place to spend it...

(end of this chapter)