Chapter 1285: There are also systems for women's matching (47)

Chapter 1285 Women also have systems (47)

The third prince was very satisfied with his plan.

He glanced at Xiao Yingyue who had no plans to leave.

"Second Miss is planning to leave here after watching the play?"

Xiao Yingyue snorted.

"I'll leave when you bring the person back and make sure the plan is on track."

The third prince smiled and turned to leave the courtyard.

Did she think he was as stupid as her?

You are stupid, and you think others are stupid too?

However, it is a good piece.

The third prince soon arrived at the prince's courtyard.

At that time, Cha Cha was sitting there boringly dragging his chin to count the petals.

heard footsteps.

She lowered her eyes and asked with a smile, "Xingyun, have you found anything to eat?"

The voice fell.

Chacha's eyes are dark.

The third prince half-squinted his eyes with a stern expression. He wanted to see how Di Lin would react when he knew that the future crown princess became his woman!

Soon, the third prince brought people back to his courtyard.

He threw the person on the bed and looked at Xiao Yingyue, as if asking: Are you satisfied with my actions?

When Xiao Yingyue saw the person, she was slightly startled, and then she was filled with endless joy.

I didn’t expect that things would develop so smoothly.

She smiled and looked at Xiao Cha who was in a coma.

The delicate little face came into her eyes.

Xiao Yingyue's eyes flashed, her eyes were full of venom, this face is really beautiful!

Would it look better if you slashed a knife on it?

The third prince hurriedly stopped her when he saw that her expression was wrong.

"No matter what kind of hatred there is between you, today's plan must be carried out smoothly without any accident. Don't shoot randomly."

He didn't want the plan he'd worked so hard for so long to be ruined.

Xiao Yingyue nodded displeasedly, "I see, I won't do anything to her, no matter what, she is also my sister, can I still kill her? See how nervous you are?"

Speaking of the end, Xiao Yingyue was a little sour.

She glanced at the third prince.

Speaking of which, the third prince should be her person, but now it is better, Xiao Cha took advantage of it, alas, for the sake of this plan, she doesn't care.

The third prince smiled perfunctorily, but was not born.

If he read it right just now, Xiao Yingyue's eyes were clearly sinister.

With such a ruthless heart, even if Xiao Cha's life is not wanted, it is estimated that Xiao Cha will have to peel off a layer of skin.

Women, when they are ruthless, they are not inferior to men.

When Xiao Yingyue was about to leave, she looked at the third prince with some anxiety.

She suddenly thought of the scene in which Xiao Cha was held in the hands of all the stars before. In front of the real heroine halo, she was worthless.

She looked at the third prince worriedly.

"You can't like her! You can only like me."

The third prince gently took Xiao Yingyue into his arms, "Don't worry, I only like you, you forget, I said before, my heart and my people are all yours."

"It's almost the same." Xiao Yingyue was a little satisfied, "Then, you have to perform well."

"Yes." The third prince coaxed people patiently.

His eyes couldn't help but fall on the little girl who was knocked unconscious by him. In fact, he didn't suffer from it. The little girl was raised with fine skin and tender flesh, and her skin was white and almost glowing... His eyes gradually darkened.

Suddenly, I felt the change of the third prince.

Xiao Yingyue pushed him away.

snorted coldly, "The third prince is really in good spirits! Everyone is still unconscious, do you have an idea?"

Xiao Yingyue's pretty face was full of anger.

What the **** is the heroine? Foxy!

(end of this chapter)