Chapter 1286: There are also systems for women's matching (48)

Chapter 1286 Women also have systems (48)

felt Xiao Yingyue's mood change.

The third prince hurriedly took the man into his arms again.

explained in a low voice in her ear.

"you misunderstood."

Xiao Yingyue, "What did you misunderstand? I didn't misunderstand.

It's me that delayed your good deeds, so I'll go now. "

She struggled.

did not break free from the arms of the third prince.

The third prince continued, "The person I hold is you, and some things, naturally, I also have thoughts on you, and it has nothing to do with her..."

"Really?" Xiao Yingyue looked at him in disbelief.

The third prince vowed, "Of course it's true! You like me, why don't I miss you?"

For the third prince, love words come easily.

Xiao Yingyue was very satisfied with his words, and hugged the third prince with a charming face.

Speak up.

Since that time with the second prince.

It didn't take long for the second prince to enter the cold palace, and she couldn't see the second prince again. I wonder if the third prince would be better than the second prince...

The third prince felt a little emotional.

He looked down at the man in his arms.

An idea suddenly popped into my mind.

In fact, the next time is still long.

Why don't you eat the person in your arms first...

Some things happen naturally.

One can’t wait, one half pushes half………

The little girl who was supposed to be in a coma opened her eyes at the right time.

The round eyes rolled, some shyness covered his eyes, and slipped out.

for a moment.

The little girl jumped gently, hid on the roof, quietly removed a tile, and looked at what was happening in the room.

Wow, exciting! ! !

Seven Seven, 【…………】

Chacha what are you doing?

How can you watch something so exciting?

You have changed, you have learned badly!

嘤嘤, I want to watch too!

Three minutes later.

Qiqi asked suspiciously, [Chacha, the third prince is clearly a very sober person, and he has always kept his sanity, so why did he suddenly attack Xiao Yingyue uncontrollably? And still in this case? 】

He cared so much about this plan, yet he just screwed it up like that?

Chacha is a righteous explanation.

"Actually, I didn't do anything, I just found out that Xiao Yingyue seems to have an inexplicable possessiveness towards the third prince. Since she cares about the third prince so much, then I will fulfill her!

Look, the third prince also likes Xiao Yingyue very much, tsk, can't put it down! "

The scumbag and the scumbag, very suitable.

Chacha intends to continue watching with great interest.

Suddenly, his eyes were blocked, and a familiar breath drifted into his nose.

Cha Cha's little face turned red in an instant, and he didn't dare to say a word because of his guilty conscience.

Di Lin's voice fell in her ear, "This kind of thing, it's beautiful?" What a disobedient little girl.

Chacha, "..." doesn't look good, but she's curious.

He covered her eyes, hugged her and left quickly.

He was worried and came here.

This is not a serious look, so the little girl is so courageous?

Di Lin brought people back to his courtyard.

Lan Ying and Xingyun just came back. After seeing the prince, they were both startled. The two went out of the courtyard with interest and guarded the gate outside.

Cha Cha stretched out his hand and tugged at his hand.

looked at Di Lin innocently.

"Why are you here?" Innocent, as if nothing happened just now.

Di Lin snorted coldly.

If he doesn't come again, the little girl will look at the other dog men!

The breath all over the body gradually became cold, and Cha Cha hurriedly comforted him.

"I tell you, I really didn't see anything, you have to believe me, I am a person with bad eyes and too far away, you know..."

Di Lin, "..." It seems that he should marry someone and go home earlier, so as to save her little head from pretending to be unhealthy every day.

(end of this chapter)