Chapter 1287: There are also systems for women's matching (49)

Chapter 1287 Women's Support also has a system (49)

Di Lin didn't want to talk to her about this again.

He was afraid that he would vomit blood.

could only change direction unhappily, "Next, bring the ladies from all the families to the theater?"

Cha Cha nodded, "That's right! Isn't that what Xiao Yingyue and the third prince had in mind?

It's just that now, in this matter, the heroine has changed. Alas, I think I am too soft-hearted. She treats me like this, and I want her to become the third prince concubine. You say, am I good? "

Di Lin responded very cooperatively, "It's really good."

A sullen look flashed in his eyes.

The third prince dared to make such an idea, he was really bold enough.

Fortunately, his little girl is smart.

He couldn't imagine that if they didn't prepare early, things might be irreversible now...

The darkness in Di Lin's eyes gradually surged.

for a moment.

He looked down at the little girl and said softly, "For your goodness sake, let me give you a reward."

"What reward?" Cha Cha's eyes lit up, looking at him expectantly.

Di Lin smiled and kissed her on the face, "It's too late, I'll go back to the Prince's Mansion in the evening, and I'll talk to you about the reward."

Now that things have developed here.

Next, let’s proceed smoothly.

And this Hundred Flowers Banquet, it is not convenient for him to show his face.

Chacha, "..." Don't give her a reward now, she will increase the interest rate at night! ! !

Di Lin released the person in his arms, opened the door, and quickly hid in the dark.


Lan Ying came over, "The Empress is rushing here with her."

"Well, you go tell Xingyun now and ask him to leave, this drama is about to end." Cha Cha said with a smile.

Lan Ying nodded, turned to inform Xingyun who was guarding outside, she knew that this time things went well.

At the same time, I am very glad that this time went well.

As for the young lady's backhand plotting against Xiao Yingyue, she didn't think there was anything. It was Xiao Yingyue who plotted against the young lady first. If the young lady did not fight back, then at this Hundred Flowers Banquet, the young lady would be finished.

The consequences can be imagined...

Now I can only say that Xiao Yingyue is cheap, maybe she can marry the third prince.

After Queen    came to the courtyard, she was relieved to see that Cha Cha was fine.

"Niangniang, why are you here?" Cha Cha got up to greet her.

Queen   , "Just now, the daughter of Li Shilang's family found out that your sister was not at the banquet, so I asked someone to look for her. I couldn't find it. I was a little worried, so I came to see if she came to look for you."

Li Shilang's daughter?

Cha Cha took a glance, oh, it was the girl in green before who had spoken to her and Xiao Yingyue.

No wonder the Empress came here a little earlier than she expected, but it's okay, you can go to the courtyard of the third prince now.

"I don't have a good relationship with her, how could she come to me!"

Chacha's straightforward words surprised many people.

I dare say that.

I'm afraid everyone will know that the Xiao family sisters have a bad relationship in the future.

"You kid, talk about the truth..." The Queen snorted helplessly, without any blame.

Chacha searched the crowd.

Then he looked serious, "Where is the third prince? Ask the third prince if he has seen Xiao Yingyue. His relationship with Xiao Yingyue seems to be pretty good."

Miss Li was taken aback for a moment, and immediately refuted.

"Miss Xiao, you can't talk nonsense, how can the third prince have a good relationship with Miss Xiao?"

She had been expecting to be attracted by the third prince just now, but now tell her that the third prince and Xiao Yingyue have a good relationship?

Is Xiao Yingyue worthy of her?

(end of this chapter)