Chapter 1289: There are also systems for women's matching (51)

Chapter 1289 Women also have systems (51)

Cha Cha stood on one side and watched the play silently.

It would be even better if there was melon seed cola popcorn at this time.

Tsk tsk, fortunately she is smart.

Otherwise, she was the one who was almost calculated.

Hey, if that was the case, she would be much worse than Xiao Yingyue

At any rate now, most people think that Xiao Yingyue and the third prince are in love with each other, can't help it, yearn for it, and if you're not careful, you can't control the feelings in your heart...

Of course, there are still many daughters gnashing their teeth, wishing to strangle Xiao Yinyue.

They all agreed that Xiao Yingyue seduced first.

Among them, Miss Li is the leader.

Anger and unwillingness are intertwined in my heart.

In the room at that time.

The    dialogue is also wonderful.

These ladies have no internal skills with Qianjin, and can't hear their conversations, but Chacha can hear them clearly.

In the room.

Xiao Yingyue cried and looked at the third prince in disbelief, "Why is this happening?"

Their plan is obviously to calculate Xiao Cha.

How did you get yourself into it?

The third prince glanced at her, pushed the person away, and put on clothes on his own.

Why is this happening?


Of course it was calculated.

You can’t count on others, so you have to recognize your fate now!

He quickly thought about what to do next to minimize the loss...

Unfortunately, Xiao Yingyue was still crying there.

She is the one who is going to marry Di Lin to be the crown princess. Now that things are happening like this, doesn't everyone know that she has something to do with the third prince?

Then how will she marry Dilin in the future?

Xiao Yingyue cried for a while, and suddenly remembered the system.

"System, why do you think this is happening? Are you not my system? I was calculated, why didn't you remind me?"

The    system was silent for a while.

【You are incompetent yourself, being calculated, blame me!

I have a system, do I still need to help you stare at each other every day? 】It doesn't like Xiao Yingyue's questioning.

Besides, even with such a perfect plan, Xiao Yingyue can fail, what great things can she accomplish in the future?

Oh, the system also checked the third prince's favor towards Xiao Yingyue by the way.

Terrible, after going through this.

The third prince's affection for Xiao Yingyue was already negative.

also means that Xiao Yingyue wants to attack the third prince, and it will be even more difficult after that.

Comprehensive judgment based on each data.

Xiao Yingyue's difficulty in conquering Emperor Lin has been upgraded again, with a difficulty of five stars.

To sum up, Xiao Yingyue's mission failure rate is 90%.

system, [After testing, this mission is about to fail. After one month, this system will automatically untie you! 】

Xiao Yingyue stopped crying and was stunned.

She always thought that the system would always accompany her, since it is bound, how can it be released casually?

Xiao Yingyue hurriedly apologized.

"Sorry, sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't kill you, system, you can't give up on me!"

The    system did not respond to Xiao Yingyue.

This host is too stupid.

It has to look for the next host.

Xiao Yingyue was a little nervous.

She can't lose the system! There she kept apologizing.

The third prince glanced at Xiao Yingyue, whose mental state was not quite right, "..." Is this crazy?

He narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of danger in his eyes.

This time the situation is really difficult to handle.

If Xiao Yingyue is crazy...there is a way to survive, he reached out and helped Xiao Yingyue sort out her clothes.

Outside the courtyard, the wives and daughters of each family were also told by the queen, and told these people not to talk nonsense, but there are so many people, it is impossible not to spread the word...

(end of this chapter)