Chapter 1290: There are also systems for women's matching (52)

Chapter 1290 Women's Support also has a system (52)


The third prince stepped out of the room, and the whole person looked calm, as if it was not him that was embarrassing about what happened just now.

He first saluted the queen, and then greeted the ladies, and then spoke in the image of a victim.

"I was changing clothes in the room at first, not knowing how things turned out like this.

What happened now is not what I wished. Although I met Miss Xiao several times, it was only because of the entrustment of the second emperor.

The second emperor has always been obsessed with Miss Xiao, worried about her in the cold palace, and asked me to take care of her. Unexpectedly...

After   mother, what is the reason behind this that caused this to happen? Erchen no longer wants to investigate too much.

Whether it’s Miss Xiao’s tricks on me or someone else’s tricks, it doesn’t matter now, the most important thing is Miss Xiao’s reputation, my son is willing to take responsibility and marry her into the Prince’s Mansion as a concubine…”

Chacha sighed silently, so smart.

These words completely set up the image of a victim for himself.

And also willing to take responsibility?

Indistinctly, she could already hear many people sighing quietly, as if pity the third prince.

After all, in the eyes of these ladies and daughters, some things are really not right when you think about them carefully.

The third prince is not a fool, how could he do such a thing on such an important occasion? It must have been designed by someone, and this person must be Xiao Yingyue!

The second prince entered the cold palace, and she couldn't wait to hook up with the third prince...

The daughter, headed by Miss Li, looked at Xiao Yingyue angrily.

At this moment, they decided that it was Xiao Yingyue who wanted to plot against the third prince, lo and behold! The three princes have all agreed to the position of side concubine! In this matter, the one who got the most benefit was Xiao Yingyue!

Chacha glanced at Xiao Yingyue next to her.

She was a little surprised, why did she feel that Xiao Yingyue didn't look normal?

The Queen    sighed and answered the third prince's words.

"That's the only way to do it now. I hope you ladies will keep your mouth shut. I don't want to hear some unsavory rumors outside."

Miss Li couldn't help her anger when she heard this.

She glared at Xiao Yingyue angrily.

Finally, he stepped forward and pointed angrily at Xiao Yingyue, "The Empress, it is clearly Xiao Yingyue's shameless scheming of the third prince, how can she be made the third prince's concubine?

If you can become a prince and concubine just by calculating, wouldn’t everyone be willing to use this method to calculate in the future? "

The third prince frowned and said nothing.

Someone comes out and stirs the water, which is not a bad thing for him.

There was a low air pressure around him.

seems to be written all over the body: I ​​am miserable, I have been calculated, but I am still responsible.

The Queen    gave Miss Li a dissatisfied look, "Do you know what you're talking about? Where's Mrs. Li? Take her down."

Miss Li was already dissatisfied, and her anger burned her sanity.

She turned her head and ran to Xiao Yingyue regardless. Looking at Xiao Yingyue who had not spoken, she raised her hand and slapped her hard.

Xiao Yingyue was slapped to the ground by her.

Even so, there was still no response, his eyes were sluggish, and he didn't even want to get up.

This abnormal reaction is difficult for others to not notice.

The queen frowned, "Miss Xiao Er, what's wrong?"

The third prince whispered.

"She seems to have been stimulated and has not spoken. Queen Mother, please ask the imperial doctor to take a look, otherwise General Xiao will return to the house and see her like this, I'm afraid I will be sad..."

(end of this chapter)