Chapter 1296: There are also systems for women's matching (58)

Chapter 1296 Women also have systems (58)

Xiao Yingyue looked at the third prince meaningfully.

"With that being said, why do I feel that the third prince once thought about the method of poisoning?"

Otherwise, how could the investigation be so clear?

also refuted her words for the first time.

The third prince's expression froze, half a smile, "Second miss, let's talk about your method."

He did think about the method of poisoning, but unfortunately, it was not possible.

Xiao Yingyue had a sneer on her face, "Actually, there is no particularly good way, but no one thought that Xiao Lu's daughter would poison Xiao Lu, so the poisoning will definitely succeed."

The third prince didn't know what to think, raised his hand and clasped Xiao Yingyue's chin, approached her, and stared at her face carefully.

"If Second Miss succeeds, I will take the post."

is more ruthless than he imagined, and enough to give up!

Xiao Yingyue looked at him and answered for a long time, "Okay!"

The    system also issues a reminder at this time.

【Host, you actually let the third prince’s favorability rate for you increase from a negative number to 50%? At present, this system thinks that it can be rescued, you have to work hard! If there is still no progress after a month, then the system will really give up on you! 】

The    system is undoubtedly the best cardiac booster for Xiao Yingyue.

And she now feels that if the third prince can ascend to the throne, perhaps the aura of the male protagonist of Emperor Lin will be broken automatically.

She can grab the halo of Xiao Cha's heroine, and the third prince can probably grab the halo of Dilin's male protagonist.

As a result, she has a good chance of turning over.

She smiled and got into the arms of the third prince, but the third prince did not push him away.


General's House.

Chacha listened to Xingyun reporting the situation.

Xingyun, "Second Miss Xiao went to the Third Prince's Mansion early in the morning. It doesn't look like she is looking for trouble, but she looks like she has something to do with the Third Prince."

Chacha, "Then have you heard the content of Xiao Yingyue's conversation with the third prince?"

Xingyun was a little embarrassed, "No."

Cha Cha looked at him in astonishment, a little disgusted.

"You actually didn't hear what they were talking about?" If you didn't hear it, why would you run over to report to her?

Xingyun hesitated for a moment, and silently changed the subject, "When Miss Xiao came out of the Third Prince's Mansion, she seemed to be in a good mood."

Chacha, "..." This topic has changed, don't you think it's very blunt?

She felt that for some things, it would be better for her to act in person.

She waved her hand, "Okay, don't care about you, go and buy me something to eat."

Xingyun, "Okay."

"Wait a minute, tell Di Lin, I want to have a good rest tonight and ask him not to come here." Cha Cha opened her black and white eyes as if she were accusing.

Xingyun almost stumbled under his feet.

The message of this sentence feels a little big?

He hurriedly backed out.

I don't know how to send this word back, and I don't know if His Highness will kick him directly.

suddenly a little square.

Even the back suddenly felt a little cooler.

Xingyun, "..." shivering.

I hope His Highness will speak some truth, because the future crown princess will not let His Highness go to her boudoir, and His Highness’ good deeds are gone, but don’t take your anger on him.

Chacha's delicate little face showed a bit of cunning.

She always felt that Xiao Yingyue would still find the third prince.

Since the secret guards of Xingyun couldn't overhear the conversation, she would go there in person!

"Lan Ying, pay attention to the movement of the South Courtyard."

Lan Ying, "Okay."

When Xingyun brought the words back to the Prince's Mansion, as expected, His Highness's face darkened.

He had to work hard to reduce his sense of existence...

(end of this chapter)