Chapter 1297: There are also systems for women's matching (59)

Chapter 1297 Women also have systems (59)

Late at night.

The General's Mansion was silent.

The bright moon hangs high.

Cha Cha slipped out silently from the west courtyard.

After half a stick of incense.

Di Lin walked into Cha Cha's room, and when he took a closer look, he realized that there was no one in the room for a long time.

"Xingyun! Where is she?"

he asked with a dark face.

Xingyun looked confused.

"Miss didn't come out, hasn't she been in the room all the time?"

Emperor Lin, "..."

He was in the mansion, thinking about it, and always felt that he should come and see her.

But I didn't expect it, and I didn't see anyone.

The most important thing is that the dark guards he sent are not at all vigilant.

Xingyun stood there dumbfounded, although he didn't go into the room to check, but looking at His Highness's face, it was obvious that there was no one inside.

He was stunned for a while, his train of thought was a little out of step.

Could it be that Miss Xiao felt that the master was restless and would come again at night, so she slipped out early? Deliberately let the master find no one?

If this is the case, then Miss Xiao is too powerful!

He was thinking about it when he felt a chill.

Xingyun hurriedly knelt down, "My subordinates are not doing well, please punish your Highness."

Di Lin glanced at him and said angrily, "Get the man back first!"


at the same time.

Cha Cha followed Xiao Yingyue all the way.

Xiao Yingyue left the General's Mansion, and there was someone to meet her.

Then they didn't go to the Prince's Mansion, but went to an inconspicuous other courtyard.

Chacha, "???"

What are you doing in another courtyard?

Although she is not very curious, but everyone has followed, so let's go in and have a look.


She saw a shocking scene.

Xiao Yingyue hugged a man as soon as she entered the room.


It looks quite enthusiastic, and when you are enthusiastic, you just... roll together.

Cha Cha, "…………"

Qiqi appeared at the right time.

[Chacha, this kind of thing, let's retreat! 】Looking here, it is not suitable.

Chacha shook his head, "Oh, wait for me to take a look at who that man is!"

That man looks clearly not the third prince.


She heard a man's voice.

"Yingyue, do you know? I've been thinking about you these days. When I close my eyes, it's you in front of me. When I open my eyes, it's still you in front of me... I really can't live without you..."

Chacha, "???"

This voice!

"Qiqi, it's the second prince! The second prince entered the cold palace, but he still misses Xiao Yingyue so much? It's amazing my sister."

He was with the third prince during the day and secretly with the second prince at night.

Can you handle it? ? ?

She was about to continue watching.

In front of his eyes, a familiar breath came.

Cha Cha sighed in his heart: It's over, I was caught again.

She obediently let Di Lin carry her down and took her outside the hospital.

Di Lin's face can no longer be described as ugly.

He stared at the little girl who looked good-natured, and after a moment, let out a sneer.

He thought she had gone somewhere.

Leng is sending people to find one place after another.

Until news came from the dark guard that he saw her here, he thought it was incredible at first, until he saw her......

Di Lin was so angry that the roots of his teeth itch.

He looked for her all over the place, but she was fine, so he ran here to see such an unsightly thing.

She was afraid that she wanted to **** him off!

Cha Cha felt the low air pressure on Di Lin's body, and reached out and tugged at the corner of his clothes.

"I can explain..." I really didn't mean to come to see them perform live.

just accidentally bumped into it again.

Weeping, she is really a well-behaved little girl.

really came across it by accident.

(end of this chapter)