Chapter 1306: There are also systems for women's matching (68)

Chapter 1306 Women also have systems (68)

Xiao Rui wants to say something.

The carriage stopped suddenly, and they had reached the palace.

In this case, Xiao Li did not discuss this matter with Di Lin again.

"Forget it, we'll talk about this later."

The most important thing right now is the matter of the third prince.

In case the third prince really jumps off the wall, that's a big deal.

"Okay." Di Lin responded.

Several people got off the carriage.

Di Lin looked at Cha Cha with tender eyes, "You go to the Queen Mother's palace to rest for the night."

Cha Cha looked at Di Lin, and then at Xiao Lu.

"Then be careful, in case the third prince really wants to force the palace, you must pay attention to safety, I will be worried."

"Don't worry." Di Lin reached out and touched her head, the movements were skilled, and the little girl let him do it.

Xiao Rui only felt his anger rising.

He raised his hand and slapped it, and slapped Di Lin firmly and accurately. The slap was crisp, accompanied by Xiao Lu's anger, "Don't do anything!"

chacha, “…”

She watched Di Lin's hand quickly turn red in distress, "Why don't you run away!" Isn't that stupid?

Di Lin's expression was calm, "If I dodge, I will feel bad if it falls on you."

Chacha bowed his head embarrassedly, "..." I think you are teasing me, and I have sufficient evidence.

Xiao Li watched from the side, stomping his feet in anger.

So angry!

In front of him, sweet words to his daughter!

Did you take him seriously?

Xingyun and Lanying silently reduce their sense of existence.

Your Highness is amazing!

Look how the general is so angry?

Really fearless!

was not at all afraid of the general stumbling him.

Xiao Lu was so irritable that he could barely control his temper, so Di Lin took a step back and asked Xingyun to take her to the queen.

Before   Cha Cha left, he gave a few words of concern, for fear that Xiao Lu and Di Lin would fight directly while she was away.

Xiao Li, "He is the prince, I dare not."

Di Lin, "He is an elder, and I dare not."

chacha, “…”

I think you two really dare to fight each other.

She left uneasy.

I hope they don't start fighting at this time.

Xiao Li and Di Lin took another path.

Although the two of them didn't fight, the surrounding atmosphere was so cold!

It is obvious that the aura is incompatible.

Until the two met the emperor, the cold atmosphere still did not weaken, and the emperor's original sleepiness was completely disappeared by the cold ice knife.

Xiao Li briefly talked about the situation of the third prince.


The Dark Guard of Emperor Lin also rushed to deliver the letter in a hurry.

Di Lin's face was not very good-looking.

"Father, he does have this in mind, the Third Prince's Mansion is not very safe tonight..."

The emperor's face changed, and he suddenly said, "Let someone go to the cold palace to see the second child."

Di Lin, "Okay."


Cha Cha and Lan Ying went to the queen's palace.

The last time they rested here, the queen's personal maid took them to the room where they stayed last time.

Xingyun is hiding in the dark and continues to protect their safety.

Lan Ying was a little scared.

"Miss, will the third prince really..." Rebellion?

"Don't worry, he is not Daddy's opponent, and there is His Highness, sleep! Sleep, maybe there will be new news tomorrow." Cha Cha comforted.

She has great confidence in Dilin.

As for the third prince?

Sorry, she really thought that the third prince would fail.

If the third prince can succeed, she will screw off Qiqi's head and use it as a ball kick!

77, 【? ? ? Something seems wrong? 】

Chacha, "Don't you think what I said before: it's not appropriate to screw my head off and play a ball? I'll put it another way!"

Qiqi, […] So you replaced it with my head?

have no choice.

(end of this chapter)