Chapter 1307: There are also systems for women's matching (69)

Chapter 1307 Women also have systems (69)

The next day.

Cha Cha wake up early.

But don't want to, the queen is earlier than her.

When the Queen    saw her, there was a slight smile on her face.

looks, not happy at all.

Cha Cha walked towards her slowly and comforted, "Your Majesty, don't worry, the Crown Prince and His Majesty will be safe."

Queen    nodded, she also believed that they would be fine, but she was still very worried, her heart was up and down.

The third prince rebelled, no one expected.

And according to the news from this morning.

The second prince, who was supposed to be in the cold palace, has long since disappeared. I am afraid that he has joined forces with the third prince.

two days in a row.

The Queen, Chacha and others were all in the palace. They didn't take a step out and waited quietly. Fortunately, Xingyun would send news here, and the development of things was still under control. The Queen was relieved.

Cha Cha nest is in the palace, a little helpless.

In fact, she can also go out to help.

However, Dilin disagreed.

Alas, sigh.

until the next night.

Di Lin came back from the outside, entered the palace to greet the queen, and said the general situation.

The second prince and the third prince failed to join forces to rebel.

has been sent to the Sky Prison.

His Majesty was so irritated that he passed out. The imperial doctor's diagnosis and treatment were not serious, and it was enough to take care of him for a while.

Hearing this, the queen immediately went to visit the emperor in a hurry.

Cha Cha also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Di Lin and stretched out his arms to hold him in his arms.

"Don't you have anything to tell me?"

Di Lin's delicate chin rested on her neck, and his tone sounded a little tired, as if he was very tired.

After a little thought, he knew that he had not had a good rest in the past two days.

Cha Cha quickly patted his shoulder.

"It's been hard work. When this is over, take a good rest."

Dilin's face turned black.

bit her neck a bit unhappily.

"Is that just the sentence? Nothing else?" Little girl, I think you are perfunctory me!

Chacha blinked and thought about it seriously.

something else?

She didn't know what he wanted to hear!

She cares about him, okay?

Seeing, Emperor Lin was anxious.

Cha Cha said quickly, "Then let me think about it."

Emperor Lin, "..."

"Do you need to think about it?"

Under the cold moonlight, the man's jaw line was cold and hard, showing a bit of displeasure.

Chacha whispered innocently, "How about you give me a hint? What should I say?"

She really didn't know what he wanted to hear?

Could it be that she wanted to hear her say that after this incident, she liked him more?

But she already liked him!

Di Lin gritted his teeth, lowered his head and bit her lips like punishment, not too hard, but not too light.

"Since you don't know what to say, just repeat what I said to me!"

Cha Cha replied obediently, "Okay." No matter what you say, I'll just repeat it.

This is easy!

Di Lin whispered in her ear.

The little girl's face turned red and she was a little embarrassed. Was this what you wanted to hear?

She blinked and repeated softly, "I want to marry you."

The little girl is so obedient.

Di Lin wrapped his arms around her waist, happily holding her in circles on the spot.

Lan Ying, "..."

Xingyun, "..."

I'm sorry to bother you.

There is too much dog food, I don’t want to eat it, so I say goodbye.

After a long time.

Di Lin stopped and circled, Cha Cha looked dizzy at Di Lin who was dangling in front of him, "You, you, stop shaking."

Hey, she seems to have fainted.

"..." What to do, the little girl is cute and well-behaved.

He just wanted to marry her home as soon as possible, and then bully her to cry.

Tsk, it's just that Xiao Rui's level was not easy.

(end of this chapter)