Chapter 1308: There are also systems for women's matching (70)

Chapter 1308 Women's Support also has a system (70)

after awhile.

Cha Cha finally lost the dizziness in front of her eyes.

It is fun to spin in circles, but after the spin, the whole person feels dizzy...

She crooked in Di Lin's arms, reaching out and pinching her eyebrows.

"Are you still dizzy?" Di Lin circled her and asked in a low voice.

Chacha shook his head, "I'm not dizzy anymore."

"Then let's talk about business." Di Lin looked at her solemnly, as if the next thing was very important.


"Isn't that what we just talked about?" Cha Cha asked.

What's more important than she said marrying him? ? ?

A dark color flashed in Di Lin's eyes.

"What I just talked about is serious business, but what I want to talk about next is also very important business." He lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "I want to talk to you about General Xiao."

Cha Cha looked at him in astonishment, "???" What happened to General Xiao?

Di Lin, "I'm marrying you, and your father's situation is not easy."

General Xiao spoiled his daughter in the palm of his hand, and of course he would easily let go. He was worried that the marriage would be delayed for a long time, and he wanted to marry her back home as soon as possible.

I can see but can't eat it, this feeling is too torment...

Chacha muttered.

So this is ah!

Xiao Li really won't let go easily.


"You can impress my father with your sincerity." The little girl gave a serious suggestion.

Emperor Lin, "..."

Xiao Li is really not the kind of person who can be easily moved by his sincerity. In other words, if he hadn't been sincere, how could he see the little girl now?

he sighed.

Let’s continue to think of ways.

Start with the little girl, I'm afraid it won't work.

It was difficult to see what he looked like.

Cha Cha comforted him once again.

"Actually, I have a good way to get him to agree to our marriage as soon as possible, it depends on whether you dare or not."

Di Lin, "!!! What can I do?"

His eyes were full of light, staring straight at her.

Cha Cha shook his head a little guilty.

I always feel that this method is too tricky.

Still forget it.

"I just said it casually, and there is no good way..."

Dilin obviously didn't believe it.

The little girl clearly has a way.

suddenly refused to tell him.

Emperor Lin said, "General Xiao will definitely leave the General's Mansion and return to the military camp in a few days. I'm afraid it will take a few more months for him to leave. Do you have the heart to watch me live alone?"

Chacha, "..." If you have something to say, don't sell it casually!

She really can't stand it!

Seeing Di Lin was so sad.

Chacha had to lean into his ear and whispered a few words.

But if this method is really used... She suspects that Xiao Lu will beat Di Lin to death.

Di Lin stood there, his eyes darkened, as if he was thinking.

for a moment.

He said, "I think this method can be done."

Chacha, "...I think I'd better think about it."

She is a bad idea.

Di Lin's face was firm, "As long as you use this method, you can succeed." Although it is dangerous, he really thinks it can be done.

chacha, “…”

Emperor Lin, "Don't worry, I'll talk to General Xiao in a few days, I won't talk to him at this time."

Then, Di Lin released her and turned to leave.

Cha Cha stood there for a while.

She looked down at her toes.

Always feel that something is not right.

Anyway, this idea has a 100% success rate, that is, Dilin can't eat good fruit.

Seventy-seven asked curiously.

【What's the idea? 】

Cha Cha lowered his head and sighed.

"Just let Di Lin tell Daddy that I've been bullied by him."

Seven-seven, 【…………】

is indeed a bad idea!

However, it wants to see Emperor Lin be beaten! ! !

(end of this chapter)