Chapter 1309: There are also systems for women's matching (71)

Chapter 1309 Women also have systems (71)

Cha Cha stayed in the palace for a while.

When    walked out of the room, he suddenly saw Xingyun standing outside, and he seemed a little anxious.

She frowned. All this time, that feeling of wrongness seemed to suddenly have a reason.

"Where's the Emperor?" she asked.

Xingyun lowered his eyes, "Should continue to deal with things."

Cha Cha thought for a while and looked at him seriously.

"What about my father? Still in the palace?"

Xingyun, "General Xiao naturally left the palace at this time."

Chacha nodded, "Didn't you say that His Majesty passed out? I should go and see."

When the words were over, she lifted her foot and walked forward.

Xingyun was a little anxious, he hesitated to speak, but he didn't dare to say more, for fear of being found out by her.

But the appearance of Xingyun looks very different.

Even Lan Ying felt that Xingyun seemed to be hiding something.

Xu in the palace was because he had just experienced a rebellion.

Indistinctly, you can smell a faint smell of blood.

Even though this smell has been masked, she has always been sensitive to the smell of blood.

Soon, Cha Cha arrived at the imperial study.

Before he even stepped in, he heard Xiao Lu's angry voice.

There was only one **** left around the imperial study room, and the rest of the people were taken away. Cha Cha was stunned, and suddenly realized what Di Lin had done.

She hurried over.

The **** tried to block the way, but she pushed him away.

The door was suddenly opened.

Chacha saw at a glance that Xiao Li was attacking Di Lin.

Her appearance made Xiao Lian stop.

Di Lin felt his sight, looked up at her, and was a little surprised under his embarrassed expression.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

I told her all about it, and I won't tell Xiao Rui about it in a few days, because I was afraid that when he was beaten, she would see her, and as a result, she still came...

"Are you stupid?" Cha Cha was angry and angry.

The bad idea she casually said, he really couldn't wait to use it.

But seeing the way he was beaten made him feel very distressed.

She walked over and wanted to check Dilin's injury.

But Di Lin held her hand, blocking her next move, "I'm fine."

Xiao Li stood there with a look of anger, and at the same time, he was a little flustered.

He attacked Di Lin and was seen by the good daughter.

Will    be mad at him?

Xiao Li explained guilty, "He's shameless, don't blame me!" Speaking of this, he instantly became confident again!

His innocent daughter was bullied, why can't he do something to Dilin? What about the prince? Can the prince bully people at will?

The prince can run over to him arrogantly and say: Bullied his daughter? Seeking success?

Complete your uncle!

It’s fine if you don’t kill me!

Xiao Lian became more angry the more he thought about it.

Cha Cha looked at Di Lin, and then looked at Xiao Lu, "Then what do you do now?"

has come to this point, let’s listen to what Xiao Lu has to say first.

Xiao Li's face turned black.

He turned his head, not wanting to answer the question.

was stunned for a while.

replied reluctantly, "...You two get married as soon as possible."


was so bullied, he could only blow his breath out, and then...

Then watch his daughter marry.

is over, even more angry.

Cha Cha tilted his head and glanced at Di Lin, who had succeeded.

Was beaten, still in such a good mood?

Cha Cha looked at Xiao Lu again, "Does Dad keep his word?"

Xiao Li, "Well, it's hard to chase after a single word!"

Now that we have reached this stage, what else can be done? He couldn't really kill Di Lin.

"I have one more thing to tell Daddy later, let's say it first, Daddy can't be angry or turn his face." Cha Cha blinked and said softly.

(end of this chapter)