Chapter 1346: The president is fine again (32)

Chapter 1346 The president is fine again (32)

Cha Cha smiled at Chu Mingzhe, and then rejected him with a clever face.

"It's very late, let's talk at the door if you have anything.

If I enter the room, Mr. Chu says I am plotting against you, what should I do? I don't want to give President Chu another chance to cheat me for 30 million. "

When the little girl said, her eyes were clear and translucent, with a bit of displeasure.

Although she has 30 million, she turns very simply.

However, Chu Mingzhe cheated on her!

She takes revenge!

She is a stingy person, and she is super vengeful!

Chu Mingzhe's eyes sank a little, "I'm looking for you, just to talk to you about the 30 million, it was just a joke at the time, I didn't really intend to ask you for the 30 million, I will transfer it to you now."

Hearing this, Cha Cha immediately refused.

"No! How do I know if you are going to cheat me for 300 million next? You still keep the 300 million, we don't make river water now."

In the next second, Cha Cha slammed the door shut.

No longer give Chu Mingzhe a chance to speak.

Chu Mingzhe, "..." The mood seems to be a bit complicated.

However, it is not a big problem.

The little girl still looks very coaxing.

When her anger subsided, he coaxed her again.


Wait a moment.

Something doesn't seem right.

Why did he coax her?

Get angry when you are angry, what does it have to do with him? Not his girlfriend.

Well, no coaxing.

Go back to sleep!

Later, Chu Mingzhe, who chased after his wife's crematorium, "..." His face hurts and he regrets...

three days in a row.

Chacha never took the initiative to speak to Chu Mingzhe.

Chu Mingzhe didn't think there was anything at first, but later he found out that she smiled at everyone, but not at him...

For this reason, he deliberately asked the old man politely.

The old man had an unfathomable look on his face and did not answer him.

You have offended other girls several times, and you still want to make them laugh at you? Afraid to think of God!

Chu Mingzhe had no choice but to reflect on himself.

Unfortunately, nothing came out of reflection.

So, let it go.

Two more days passed.

Chu Mingzhe finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He felt that the two seemed to be in a cold war.

This kind of feeling, he couldn't describe it, it was very uncomfortable anyway.

does not want to continue the cold war, he wants to make peace.

Want to communicate normally.

And he really wanted to talk to the little girl and see her smile at him...

That night, Chu Mingzhe came back early.

Just to have dinner with Chacha.

However, he came back, and the little girl did not.

This time is not a coincidence.

Chu Mingzhe, "..."

Not only did Chacha not come back, but the old man didn't come back either, saying that the two of them were eating out together.

Chu Mingzhe sat alone in the living room, "???" He felt that he was really abandoned.

Even the housekeeper went out with him, but he...

Chu Mingzhe called the housekeeper displeased and wanted to know where they were now. He... could pick them up.

Butler, "Mr. Chu, don't be in a hurry, the old man is having a good time, and Miss Xu is also very happy, so he is not in a hurry to go back." He glanced at the old man as he spoke. He didn't expect that the old man could be so happy when he came to the amusement park.

Over the years, why is the old man not lonely?

The old man also wants to be full of children and grandchildren, Cheng Huan is under his knees...

Chu Mingzhe paused, "..." In the end, he still couldn't say the sentence: I also want to play.

His identity and character did not allow him to say such things.

So, Chu Mingzhe sat alone in the living room for three hours.

Until he heard the sound of the car, he hurried upstairs, changed his clothes, and then walked out of the room as if he had just woken up.

Maid, "…………"

(end of this chapter)