Chapter 1347: The president is fine again (33)

Chapter 1347 The president is fine again (33)

Chu Mingzhe stepped on his slippers and returned to the living room again.

Originally, he estimated that this way, it should attract the attention of some people.

However, the old man and Cha Cha seemed to be talking about today's interesting things. When they saw him, they gave him a look and then continued to talk.

The two completely ignored Chu Mingzhe.

Even the housekeeper was busy getting the servants to prepare some supper.

Chu Mingzhe frowned and followed Chacha unhappily.

thought about finding a chance to talk to her.

As a result, before he could speak, the little girl happily ran upstairs and returned to her room.

Chu Mingzhe, "???" He had no choice but to look back at the old man.

"Grandpa, you..."

"Hey? Mingzhe? Why are you still here? It's very late, go back to rest, and I'll talk about it tomorrow." The old man waved at him with a very natural attitude. Chu Mingzhe couldn't find the problem, but his heart was blocked. panic.

He stood there for a while, and returned to the room extremely depressed.

At that time, in the guest room.

When Chacha was washing, Qiqi couldn't help but make a sound.

【If you keep ignoring Chu Mingzhe like this, will he run away in anger? 】

Chacha, "...No, the Chu family is his home, where can he run?"

Qiqi, […] It really has no way to refute this, tsk, chasing the wife crematorium is really not just talking.

Hee hee, I have to worry about even saying a word now, didn't expect today? Qiqi watched the play happily, in fact, even if Chu Mingzhe ran away, it didn't matter.

Anyway, the host has a lot of money now, rich = happiness!

In case Chu Mingzhe is really angry and runs away, and the host regrets it, then it's a big deal to find a way to find a substitute for the host to come back!

It's exciting to think about it!

Cha Cha said sharply, "What are you excited about?"

77, 【? ? ? No! I'm not excited, I'm normal! 】

Chacha didn't ask any further questions, she wanted to sleep beautifully.

This night.

Chu Mingzhe was the only one who couldn't sleep after tossing and turning.

He pondered carefully, did he do something wrong.

Should you be nicer to the little girl?

Chu Mingzhe got up from the bed, turned on the computer, and searched for some information.

When he turned off the computer and went back to bed, there was a new thought in his heart.

The Xu family cut ties with her. Even if she didn't care about the Xu family, they were relatives who had lived with her for many years. At that time, she must be very sad.

And at that time, he said hurtful things and did hurtful things, he should really reflect on it...

the next day.

Chu Mingzhe got up very early.

However, he did not rush to work in the company as usual.

He was sitting in the dining room.

He ate three breakfasts for one breakfast.

made the servant tremble.

"Mr. Chu, is the breakfast unpalatable?"

Chu Mingzhe, "It's okay."

"Is the old man up yet?" he asked.

"No, probably because I was too tired to play outside yesterday." The servant explained, always feeling that Mr. Chu was in a bad mood today.

Chu Mingzhe waited for two minutes and looked at the servant displeasedly, "What about Miss Xu?"

The servant was confused, "Miss Xu didn't get up." Could it be that President Chu was very dissatisfied with Miss Xu taking the old man out to play? ? ?

But the old man looks really happy.

Mr. Chu shouldn't blame Miss Xu, right?

Chu Mingzhe looked down at the breakfast in front of him, and immediately lost interest.

He's been waiting here for so long, and she hasn't gotten up yet...

Chu Mingzhe felt really depressed.

He turned around and went to the living room, thinking about his abnormal self, what kind of scene it was when he was with Xu Cha, but unfortunately, he didn't have the slightest impression.

(end of this chapter)