Chapter 1357: The president is fine again (43)

Chapter 1357 The president is fine again (43)

Young Master Chu raised his eyes and met her eager eyes.

He was stunned and looked at her in astonishment.


As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt that his eyes were dark.

Young Master Chu passed out.

Seven-seven, […]

Distressed for a second.

Chacha put the man on the bed, helped him cover the quilt, and then pulled a chair and sat beside him to guard.

Hope he will be back to normal when he wakes up.

She wants to have a good talk with Chu Mingzhe and Dr. Xue to see if there is any way to improve his condition.

Qiqi hesitated for a while.

【Actually, this matter can be solved, you don’t need to ask Doctor Xue. 】

"What did you say?" Cha Cha said in shock.

Qiqi actually said that this matter can be solved?

Qiqi, [This matter is not easy to solve in the world you live in now, but for me, Chu Mingzhe’s own data is messed up, I adjust the data to the data of normal people, then I can Get him back to normal. 】

"Why didn't you say it before?" Cha Cha was a little puzzled.

calmed down quickly.

The    system is finally useful.

【You never asked me before! 】 Seventy-seven is righteous.

Moreover, he had just contacted Chu Mingzhe before, so he didn't need to remind him. Now that the two of them are familiar with each other, and the relationship is a little more stable, he can adjust the data.

For a moment.

Chacha wants to lock Qiqi in a small dark room.

However, reason told her, no.

"Are there any necessary conditions for adjusting the data? For example, under what circumstances?" she asked.

Seventy-seven, [Can only be carried out when Chu Mingzhe is in a normal condition and has entered a deep sleep. 】

"Okay." Chacha replied, and then, the conversation changed, "However, if something goes wrong, Qiqi, I may send you to the small dark room."

Qiqi flinched.

【Well, I will try my best! 】

This is always good news for Chacha.

You don't have to worry about Chu Mingzhe's situation anymore.

However, I still hope that Qiqi will be a little more reliable.

Seven-seven, […]

Another moment passed.

The person who was knocked unconscious woke up.

Cha Cha met his eyes and was stunned for a moment.

clenched his small fist tightly, thinking about whether to continue knocking him unconscious.

The one who wakes up now is obviously not Chu Mingzhe, nor Young Master Chu, but... Mr. Chu who covets her beauty.

Mr. Chu got used to it quickly. He didn't ask himself why he was in the guest room. He sat up from the bed and went straight to the topic.

"Miss Xu, can I invite you to dinner?"

this problem……

Cha Cha couldn't help but raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows.

This was the question he asked when they first met.

But there was no dinner at the time, and then she knocked someone unconscious and sent them to Chu's house.

Next, Young Master Chu appeared.

This Mr. Chu, who kept saying that he liked her face, appeared for the second time.

So, back to the original dinner together, this question.

Thinking of this, Cha Cha felt a little guilty.

I don't know if he remembers that she knocked him unconscious.

"Ms. Xu? Although my proposal is abrupt, I feel that a lot of things should have happened without my knowledge. Even for Miss Xu, she may be familiar with 'me'.

So I believe that Miss Xu will not reject me, right? "

He looked at her with burning eyes, waiting for her to nod.

Chacha's attitude softened a bit, "Okay."

She seemed to see a bit of sadness in his eyes, and that sadness was spreading rapidly.

Compared with the eighteen-year-old young master Chu, this Mr. Chu is more mature and stable, and even smarter.

At the same time, he was also much gentler than the normal Chu Mingzhe.

(end of this chapter)