Chapter 1358: The president is fine again (44)

Chapter 1358 The president is fine again (44)

Chacha thought for a while, if he took him out now, there might be other situations.

So, I told the housekeeper and asked the servant to prepare as soon as possible.

They will be at Chu's house in a while, and they will have dinner together.

As for the old man, let’s be wronged once.

Leave space for both of them.

The old man naturally has no opinion, and is even very happy.


in the restaurant.

The two sat facing each other.

The candlelight flickers, and the red wine exudes a faint fragrance.

Mr. Chu is an elegant gentleman.

is very attentive and thoughtful everywhere.

"Thank you for being willing to have dinner with me, I have appeared many times and never found someone who could make me fall in love at first sight, until you showed up.

Of course, to be honest, I did see your face first..."

Chacha, "Actually, you don't have to be so honest."

It's rare to be so frank when you see it.

"I always knew why I was there.

also knew that one day I would disappear completely.

The first time I saw Miss Xu, I knew you were the one who could change my life.

Now it seems that I am not wrong. "

Mr. Chu's voice was slow, and he took a sip of red wine with graceful movements, holding the glass lightly with his slender fingers, as if he had fallen into a distant memory.

This time, even Cha Cha was a little surprised.

He actually...

Is the cognition so clear?

"When you're enjoying dinner, don't talk about it." Cha Cha tilted his head slightly to look at him, and reminded with a smile, let's enjoy it!

Mr. Chu smiled.

A generous compliment.

"you are really cute."

Even, it has grown perfectly into what he likes.

This dinner is a little longer than usual.

Chacha can perceive that he is enjoying dinner with reluctance, or in other words, he is enjoying every second that belongs to him...

Mr. Chu put down his knife and fork.

looked at her calmly.

"When I first appeared, I felt very new to the whole world, but I was also scared because the timing of my appearance was inappropriate."

"On that day, many people around me were immersed in a sad atmosphere."

"Later I learned that 'my' father left me forever."

"I gradually became abnormal, and people around me would look at me differently, pity, sympathize, ridicule..."


Cha Cha listened to him quietly.

As she guessed, the symptoms of schizophrenia appeared because they were stimulated and unacceptable. Later, gradually, it became more and more serious.

Chu Mingzhe's parents died when he was young. In the Chu family, there are too many people who want to get the position of the person in power.

Later, he dealt with the person who should be solved with ruthless means, removed all the stumbling blocks in the way, and became the ruler of the Chu family.

But his mental state occasionally has problems.

But, he will hide it well.

In the past two years, his condition has not been concealed.

Because, no one can become his enemy, he is strong enough...

When Mr. Chu said this, he was very calm and indifferent, and his voice became smaller and smaller until finally, he said earnestly, "I hope that in the future, for the rest of his life, you will be able to walk with him."

The sudden sensationalism made Cha Cha feel a little uncomfortable.

In her eyes, Mr. Chu and Young Master Chu are all the same person, Chu Mingzhe, they have always been...

At this moment, she looked at Chu Mingzhe's eyes gradually clear, and that Mr. Chu seemed to be gone.

But it seems to have always been there.

Chacha, "In the future, will he remember what Mr. Chu did?"

Qiqi, [Of course I will remember it! Even the eighteen-year-old Young Master Chu would remember what he did, but only after his data became normal. 】

(end of this chapter)