Chapter 1393: Mozun please be gentle (7)

Chapter 1393 Demon Lord, please be gentle (7)

Chacha looked at him and thought, are you introducing yourself?

The little girl said softly, "My name is Cha Cha, thank you for taking me to the magic palace, but it's too dangerous here, let's eat and drink in another place!"

She felt that today, her head was spinning very fast.

Even this kind of thing can be thought of, but Shura didn't think about the danger, how stupid!

is dumber than her!

Sura, "???" Little girl, do you still remember that you were captured by the deity from the sea of ​​magic?'s really interesting.

I just don’t know if it’s really stupid or fake.

He ignored her words, teleported to the throne with her, and threw the person at his feet, he turned and sat on the throne.

"Shout." He said coldly.

Cha Cha stared at the fruits and cakes on the table, swallowed his saliva, and answered absently, "...what are you calling?"

Shura felt a little irritable, "Call for help!"

Did he really pick up a fool?

"Oh oh oh, I remember."

She stretched out her hand, squeezed a piece of pastry, and added in a low voice, "Eat and drink while calling for help."

Shura, "..."

Immediately afterwards, he watched the little girl take a bite of the pastry, shouted for help, and then took another bite of the pastry...

It goes like this.

Before long, she choked.

"Cough cough... water."

She stared blankly at the man who did not move, and immediately got up and poured a glass of water to drink.

"..." Shura swallowed his words before he could say it.

That's not water, that's wine...

After drinking a glass of water, I poured another cup of tea, which is very sweet and delicious.

Cup after cup, at the end of the drink, she carried the wine jug and half poured it at Shura's feet, "Help... help the beast."

Shura, "..." She didn't forget to call for help when she was drunk, she should squeeze all the water out of the seeds in her head.

Qiqi, "..." I'm sorry, the beast you called didn't want to bubble up.

for a moment.

The wine glass fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Shura blankly glanced at the little fool he picked up.

The little girl is trouble, not fun, kill it!

He stood up and instructed the demon soldier next to him, "Go find a... cage! Put her in it."

Demon Soldier, "Yes!"

Shura thought to himself, it would be more fun to kill her when she wakes up.

He kind of wanted to see how she would react.



The little princess who was the emperor's favorite disappeared.

It is said that the last place to appear is near the sea of ​​magic.

The **** of war Tianling led the soldiers to search secretly.

The four princesses involved in this matter were sentenced to confinement.

Immortals on the road have guessed what will happen next, which is not a trivial matter.

It is about the little princess, and the location is in the sea of ​​magic. Maybe something big is going to happen. For a while, all the immortals are anxious.

The four princesses stood in the palace.

In a very good mood.

Although she was sentenced to confinement, but this time, her good sister will never come back, so confinement is just a good deal.

"Go and inquire, if there is any new news, immediately report to this hall."

Immortal maid saluted, "Slave maid is going to inquire."

"Wait, be smart, don't lose face of the main hall." The fourth princess ordered again.

for a moment.

She was the only one left in the palace.

Don't blame her for being cruel, who made her good sister stand in her way?

Who in the heavens doesn't know that the little princess who is the emperor's favorite is a little fool?

But, Emperor Father still had the intention of marrying this little fool to Tianling!

Who is Tianling?

That is the **** of war in the heavens!

How can you marry a little fool?

So, she could only take advantage of this opportunity to directly deal with the little fool. It just so happened that she could still be innocent.

Nobody saw what she did anyway.

(end of this chapter)