Chapter 1394: Mozun please be gentle (8)

Chapter 1394 Demon Lord, please be gentle (8)

Cha Cha was woken up by Qi Qi.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at her beast softly.

"Beast Beast... Are you here to save me? I just said, I will definitely be able to call you here."

Her beasts will not leave her.

Qiqi's animal face was twisted into a ball.

"Now is not the time to say this, can you take a look at the current situation?"

It doesn't want to wake its host, but the host can sleep especially after being drunk. It has slept for a day and a night, it is a little panic, after all, this is in the demon world.

"Situation?" Cha Cha moved, feeling that she didn't sleep well.

Subconsciously glanced at the good fleece under the body, eh? Or the blanket she was familiar with.

But... something doesn't seem right.

She blinked, then noticed that she seemed to be in a cage? ? ?

"Beasts? Are we caged?"

Cha Cha is a little confused.

Why are you in the cage as soon as you open your eyes?

She remembered that a very fierce man took her to the devil's palace and made her eat and drink to call for help...

This point is still not understood.

Qiqi said, "You are wrong, you were locked in a cage, not us."

It shrank into a small ball while talking, and then walked out from between the iron railings.

The fluffy tail is upturned, looking very proud.

Cha Cha saw the beast coming out of the cage, and was a little flustered, and hurriedly said, "...The beast, wait for me."

She also tried to get out of the gap between the iron railings.

Unfortunately, she is too big to be small.

With a bang,    hit the iron railing.

Seven-seven, "..." It's hard to see.

This plane will definitely become the dark history of the host.

I don't know if the host who will return to normal in the future will find a crack to burrow in when he thinks of what happened now.

It sighed and entered the cage again, extending its furry claws to help Cha Cha rub its forehead.

Hey, this thin-skinned and tender meat is all red.

Cha Cha looked aggrieved, "Beasts, why do you lock me up? I didn't do anything, are the demons so unreasonable?"

Qiqi hasn't had time to speak.

A voice with no warmth came, "You said that the demons are unreasonable?"

Cha Cha followed the voice and saw a handsome but fierce looking man again.

"Luo... Luo..." What was his name? Can't remember.

Shura looked at her and felt insulted.

Can't she even remember his name?

He is a Demon Lord!

The devil who kills without blinking! ! !

After a long while, Cha Cha finally remembered, her eyes lit up, and she said, "Luo Luo!"

Shura, "???"

He emphasized with a dark face, "It's Shura!" It's not Luoluo!

The difference in the word    brings an extremely strong difference.

Demon Venerable Shura, how can it be related to a cute name like Luo Luo...

He looked at the not-so-smart little girl and nodded, "Remember...don't, don't be angry, Luo Luo."

Shura, "..." Do you remember it again?

His eyes were about to explode.

Chacha hurriedly stretched out a hand, inside the cage to smooth the hair for him outside the cage.

Well, I touched my head, not angry.

I usually give animals such smooth hair.

Shura, who was being groomed, suddenly changed his face, knocked off her hand, and said angrily, "You can touch this deity casually!"

Cha Cha tilted his head, not quite understanding what he meant.

"I, I didn't touch it casually. You are angry, you have to smooth it out. No matter how smooth I am, I won't be angry anymore."

Her voice was soft, it sounded like she was coaxing someone.

is complemented by her innocent, blank eyes and a well-behaved pretty face.

Shura, "!!!" Fuck!

(end of this chapter)