Chapter 1395: Mozun please be gentle (9)

Chapter 1395 Demon Lord, please be gentle (9)

Shura was silent for a long time.

A flash of light flashed in my mind.

"Shun Mao?" He had a gloomy face, and the demonic energy on his body overflowed.

Chacha didn't realize what was wrong with this sentence.

She nodded, "Yeah, Shun Mao, don't be angry. I used to get angry with me when the beast was angry with me, and I would also give it Shun Mao, and Shun Mao would be very happy. How do you feel now?" The little girl was soft. Looking at him, expecting his answer.

Shura's face was terrifying.

Of course he knew who the beast she was talking about!

She actually compared him to a spirit beast?

Treat him in the same way as a spirit beast?

Shura raised his hand and took her restless little paw away, threateningly, "If you dare to go straight in front of me, I'll eat you raw!"

Chacha blinked, puffed out his little cheeks, a little angry, " can you eat me? Do you know who I am?"

Shura raised his eyebrows, "Then tell me, who are you?"

Chacha put his hands on his hips, trying to pretend: I'm very fierce.

"I'll tell you, I'm the emperor's favorite little princess! If you dare to eat me, the father will definitely not let you go! You'd better let me go quickly, otherwise, I'll... just..."

Shura squinted his eyes, oh, so the little fool he picked up was the little princess of the heavens?

This is very interesting.

He looked at her cage.

Well, this cage is not worthy of her, so she should be locked in a slightly more luxurious cage, which is more in line with her identity.

After thinking about the cage, Shura put his eyes on Cha Cha again, "How about you?"

The little fool was still struggling there. Hearing what he said, he raised his head and tried to raise his chest and chin, "I'm super fierce! The kind that is very fierce, very fierce, if you don't let me go, I'll show you the fierceness!"

Shura, "..."

"Well, then you are fierce, let me see, if it is very fierce, I will consider letting you go."

He opened his mouth, with a bit of joy in his words.

The little fool was quite to his taste.

Cha Cha tilted his head to think seriously.

The little head is full of question marks.

How to be more fierce?

Soon, her black and white eyes rolled around and she whispered, "Well, let me get out of the cage first, this cage is too small to let me play a very fierce look..."

"Okay." Shura pretended not to see her thoughts.

In good spirits, I plan to play with her.

With a big wave of his hand, the cage opened.

The little girl hurriedly ran out of the cage.

Rolo is very good at cheating!

So, she became bold and pointed at the cage, "You go in!"

Shura squinted his eyes, stared at the cage with heavy eyes, hesitated for a while, if he just entered the cage like this, it would be a shame for his Demon Venerable.

But if you don't go in, it seems that the demons have lost their meaning.

tossing and thinking for two seconds.

Shura entered the cage, "What's next?"

Chacha closed the cage quickly, stood outside the cage, crossed his hips and laughed like a little fool.

"Luo Luo, why are you so stupid! I let you in, you go in? Are you stupid? I lied to you! There are people in this world who are more stupid than me!"

Seven Seven, "..."

Shura was not angry, and looked at the little girl calmly.

His deep eyes seemed to be unable to see the end.

Cha Cha smiled and felt a little guilty.

She took two more steps to the cage, and said softly, "I didn't mean to trick you into it, I don't want to be eaten by you! My dignified little princess in heaven, if I was eaten by the demons, then So humiliating.

Besides, I want to continue living...

What, you see, we have met several times, you open one eye and close the other, you pretend that I am fierce, and then let me go. "

(end of this chapter)