Chapter 1418: Mozun please be gentle (32)

Chapter 1418 Demon Lord, please be gentle (32)

After the reminder of the black spirit beast.

Cha Cha nodded, "Yes, I still have something to do!"

She looked at the black spirit beast firmly, "Since you are the elder of my beast, I will treat you as my own. Later, you have to remember to give me courage, and show how fierce you are! I'm going! revenge!"

Black Spirit Beast, "... um."

Chacha sees that it communicates so well, and my heart blossoms with joy.

She stepped on her short legs, squatted on the back of the black spirit beast, and said excitedly, "Duck!"

Black Spirit Beast, "...I don't know the way."

Chacha, "It's okay, I'll show you the way! By the way, I, I'll call you Luo Luoba in the future."

As soon as she saw it, she thought of Shura.

is just as fierce and arrogant.

The black spirit beast shook his head, "Change one."


Take it as what?

Does it suit this soft and cute name?

Cha Cha was surprised, "Is Luo Luo bad?"

Black Spirit Beast, "Yeah."

Chacha nodded, "Okay, then I'll change it."

She looked at the black spirit beast and said seriously, "You are also a spirit beast, but the name beast has already been used, so I'll call you..."

"...I don't want to be called Lingling either!!!" The black spirit beast spoke first, thinking of the way she was named, it was a little annoyed.

Cha Cha was stunned for a while, and after a while, he laughed out loud.

"Hey, you think too much, why would I call you Lingling? It doesn't sound good, and it's not fierce enough."

"Hmm." That's pretty much it.

No, it wouldn't mind throwing her off his back.

Chacha confidently smoothed the hair of the black spirit beast, and then said, "I just thought of a name for you that sounds very fierce - Da Beast! I will call you Da Beast from now on, what do you think?"

Black spirit beast, "???" Do you say it again?

Are you sure this is what you came up with?

Seeing that it was silent, Cha Cha continued, "Then why don't you call it Da Hei? Big Beast Beast? Da Hei Hei? Big Spirit Beast? Da Luoluo?"

The big beast, oh no, the black spirit beast thinks that the whole beast is bad.

It suppressed its anger and asked, "Why do you have to struggle with the big word?"

What **** black? Big beast, big Luoluo, what a mess? Can't you just take a normal name?

Chacha puffed out his cheeks and poked the big beast in the face, "Then I call you Xiaohei? Small beast?"

The black spirit beast almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

You are such a clever little ghost!

Chacha also noticed the emotional changes of the spirit beast.

she whispered.

"You can't be big or small, so tell me, what's your name..."

Black Spirit Beast, "...I'll give you courage first."

Chacha looked up and saw the palace of the fourth princess, she held a small fist, her eyes were firm, "!!! Big beast, rush to the duck!"

Big Beast, "???"

That's all, the name issue will be settled later, first to avenge the little fool.

The    spirit beast carried her and charged directly towards the palace.

Chacha wrapped his arms around its neck and hugged it tightly, for fear of being thrown off by it.

At this moment, there are no heavenly soldiers guarding the palace, not even immortal maids. I don't know where they went.

Chacha thinks this is a good time.

The    spirit beast raised its front paws and knocked the gate of the palace to the ground with one paw.

With a bang, the four princesses inside were shocked.

She followed the voice in astonishment, and saw a ferocious black spirit beast carrying a little fool standing at the gate of her palace, extremely arrogant.

The fourth princess narrowed her eyes, which was a little different from what she thought.

She knew that Chacha was sent back by the demons, so she sent someone to watch the movement.

(end of this chapter)