Chapter 1419: Mozun please be gentle (33)

Chapter 1419 Demon Lord, please be gentle (33)

After learning that Cha Cha was coming to see her, he thought that he might be looking for her to settle accounts.

She quickly separated the fairy maid and the heavenly soldiers, thinking that she would be able to frame Chacha later and completely distance herself from the relationship.

In her opinion, the little fool has no IQ and is easy to fool.

Even if she comes back alive, she can still hide the truth from the foolish little fool.

Now, a black spirit beast suddenly appeared?

The Fourth Princess was a little surprised.

She remembered that the spirit beast beside Cha Cha was white, how did it turn black?

However, this is not a big problem.

She stabilized her expression.

A little fool, with a spirit beast, can he become smart and run rampant in the heavens?

This is simply not possible.

The little fool will never be her opponent.

Her plans can continue.

The fourth princess took a step forward, and there were faint tears in her eyes, "Chacha, do you know that these days, my sister is very worried about you, that day..."

"Don't talk for now!" Cha Cha jumped off the spirit beast.

didn't like the Fourth Princess crying in front of her.

She was the one who was pushed into the sea of ​​magic. She didn't cry. What was her fourth sister crying for?

Chacha stood on one side and instructed the spirit beast, "Big beast, shoot her!!!"

The little girl's eyes flickered with joy.

As soon as the spirit beast knocked down the hall door with one palm, she was already looking forward to the fighting power of the big beast. Now it seems that the big beast can really fight better than the beast!

Therefore, it is right to call the big beast!

Big Beast, "..."

Although I don't like this name, but I still pat this crying woman in front of me, it's so noisy!

The four princesses were caught off guard by the current development.

Never thought that the fire would suddenly burn to her.

Seeing the spirit beast rushing towards him with lightning speed, the Fourth Princess subconsciously wanted to counterattack.

However, she underestimated the power of that spirit beast.

Her counterattack was simply vulnerable.

The fourth princess was slapped directly to the ground with a paw, the sweetness in her mouth could not be held back, and blood spilled from the corners of her mouth.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

This spirit beast is so powerful? ? ?

Chacha's eyes were bright, "The big beast continues to shoot her, don't shoot her to death, just keep your breath."

Big Beast Beast, "...Okay."



The four princesses are like a ball, being pressed and rubbed by the spirit beast, they will be photographed there, and here...

After taking a few shots, the big beast lost interest and was boring.

It tilted its head to look at Cha Cha, "Let that spirit beast out too."

Chacha was excited, nodded, "Okay."

Qiqi was called out, and it looked at Chacha listlessly.

The next second, seeing the four princesses being rubbed, the whole beast became a lot more alert.

The snow-white fur all over his body also stood up.

My God, this is too cruel!

This bad guy wouldn't want to shoot at it, right? ? ?

Cha Cha reached out and touched the beast, and asked it gently, "How is your injury?"

Qiqi, "I'm fine." In fact, they were all small wounds, but they looked a little embarrassed. The wound healed quickly, and now it's fine.

Chacha nodded, "That's good."

The black spirit beast arrogantly walked up to Cha Cha, "Since it's all right, let's show your little princess a slap game."

Qiqi was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that the fourth princess who was rubbed was the one who pushed his tea into the sea of ​​magic that day!

It understands in seconds.

The black spirit beast is avenging Chacha! ! !

(end of this chapter)