Chapter 1420: Mozun please be gentle (34)

Chapter 1420 Demon Lord, please be gentle (34)

Qiqi saw this, and immediately became interested in shooting games, it can! ! !

Before the fourth princess could recover, she was beaten by a spirit beast, and this time, it was even worse.

The two spirit beasts actually regarded her as a ball and slapped her back and forth.

Cha Cha stared at this scene in amazement.

“…” This development…

seems to be interesting? ? ?

She stood quietly watching the performance, only to feel relish.

Four princesses only felt that the whole person was falling apart.

The only consciousness    was gradually becoming chaotic.

Taking advantage of the last remaining consciousness, she said angrily, "Even if the father loves you again! Seeing you treat me like this, he will never let you go!!! Ah—"

The black spirit beast suddenly increased its strength.

slaps the person unconscious with one paw.

Qiqi licked his little paws and glanced at the unconscious and injured Fourth Princess. He was really dissatisfied with her threat!

Want to kill its host, but not allow its host to take revenge?

The beauty of thinking!

should have thrown this vicious woman into the sea of ​​devils.

It looked at the black spirit beast and added another paw.

So, it also took another shot.

Four Princesses, "..."

Chacha thought for a while, then slowly raised his hand and covered his eyes.

seems a little bloody?

"Beast, big beast, let's go!"

After the lesson is over, you should leave without leaving behind.

Qiqi heard the name, glanced at the big beast, and almost laughed out loud.

Tsk, the name Big Beast... is really interesting.

The dignified devil, the big beast that came to be its host.

Roar! Suddenly hit the point of laughter, Qiqi happily wagged his tail to rub the tea, it was so happy.

The black spirit beast that bullied it, um, that is, Demon Venerable, is not a humble group in its host!

can't stand by her side in an open and honest way.


also has to rely on threatening it, when its relatives can get close to the host.

At this moment, Qiqi suddenly felt that he was no longer wronged. Although he was bullied by Demon Venerable, Demon Venerable didn't get any benefit.

And it is also the official beast of Chacha.

Qiqi raised his chin proudly.

"I want to eat meat."

Cha Cha rubbed its furry head, "Okay."

The beast and the beast ate a lot of crying with her, and it was right to give her some meat.

She looked at the big beast.

"Big beast, you are lucky, you can rub some meat!"

Big Beast, "???"

Does he need to rub that mentally retarded flesh?

He is a Demon Venerable and needs food from a stupid spirit beast?


That stupid spirit beast shook its head in front of him.

"My Chacha loves me the most!"

Shura, "..."

He raised his paw impatiently.

One paw knocked Qiqi to the ground.

Without any precautions, Qiqi actually rolled on the ground twice, and the whole beast was completely stunned.

Qiqi opened his huge eyes, his face full of disbelief.

Is the Demon Venerable so shameless?

In front of Chacha, dare to do it?

Chacha is also a little confused.

She said in surprise, "Big beast, you can't do anything to the beast, we are all a family, you can't do this, you have to take care of it and protect it."

Qiqi rolled and got up.

looked aggrieved at Shura and then at its host.

Wow cried out.


Chacha stretched out the little face of the beast training, and when he heard the cry, he felt extremely distressed.

hurriedly turned around and hugged it.

"Don't cry, don't cry, it won't bully you again in the future." Look what it's like to bully her beasts?

It is estimated that the injury on the beast was also caused by the beast. She looked at the beast again in dissatisfaction, "Come here."

Shura, "..."

You let me go, I will go?

Even if I am a beast now, I have to save face.

(end of this chapter)